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przejść na dietę, to go on a diet
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go on a diet, go on a diet
siwieć, to go grey, Wydaje się że siwiejesz, You seem to be going grey
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gray, it's gray, it seems you are graying, You seem to be going gray
przestać coś lubić, to go off sth, Przestałem pić kawę, I went off coffee
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stop something like it, go off sth, I stopped drinking coffee, I went off coffee
iść na spacer, to go for a walk
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go for a walk, go for a walk
brać w czymś udział, to take part in sth
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take part in something, to take part in sth
wdać się w kogoś (odziedziczyć po kimś cechy), to take after sb, jestem podobny do ojca, I took after my father
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get into someone (inherit from someone's traits), then take after sb, I'm like my father, I took after my father
niszczyć środowisko, to destroy the environment
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to destroy the environment, it destroy the environment
szkodliwy, harmful, Plastik jest szkodliwy, plastic is harmful
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harmful, harmful, Plastic is harmful, plastic is harmful
przyjazny dla środowiska, environmentally
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spaliny samochodowe, car exhaust fumes, w mieście jest pełno spalin, There is plenty of car exhaust fumes in the city
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Car exhaust, car exhaust fumes, the city is full of exhaust, There is plenty of car exhaust fumes in the city
niszczenie lasu deszczowego, the destruction of the rainforest
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rainforest destruction, the destruction of the rainforest
ochrona, protection, trzeba zapewnić większą ochrone, More protection must be ensured
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protection, protection, you need to provide more protection, More protection must be ensured
zanieczyszczać, to pollute
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pollute, it's pollute
uszkodzić, to damage sth
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damage, it damage sth
odpady, waste, odpady papierowe, waste paper
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waste, waste, paper waste, waste paper
Niewidzialny /niewidoczny, invisible, Nie martw się. Ta blizna jest prawie niewidoczna, Dont worry This scar is almost invisible
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Niewidzialny / invisible, invisible, Do not worry. This scar is almost invisible, Dont worry This scar is almost invisible
Nieodpowiedni /niestosowny (np. ubiór), inappropriate, Ten film był nieodpowiedni dla dzieci, This film was inappropriate for children
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Inappropriate / unsuitable (eg. Aubrieur), inappropriate, This movie was unsuitable for children, This film was inappropriate for children
niedokładny (np. o informacji)/ nieścisły /nieprecyzyjny, inaccurate, Oszacowanie kosztów tego projektu było niedokładne, The cost estimate of this project was inaccurate
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inaccurate (eg about information) / imprecise / imprecise, inaccurate, Estimation of the cost of this project was inaccurate, The cost estimate of this project was inaccurate
Nieadekwatny/ niewystarczający, inadequate, Dane osobowe na tym formularzu są niewystarczające
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Nieadekwatny / insufficient, inadequate, Personal data on this form are insufficient
The personal details on this form are inadequate
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The personal details on this form are inadequate
Niezdolność /brak możliwości, inability, Ta para popadła w depresję z powodu braku możliwości
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Inability / lack of possibility, inability, This couple got depressed due to lack of possibilities
posiadania dzieci, The couple got depressed because of inability to have children.
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having children, the couple got depressed because of inability to have children.

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