November 22 2024

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Gdzie pan(i) mieszka?
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Where do you live?
Ja mieszkam w
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I live in
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Nie znam tego miasta
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I dont know this city
Czy lubisz swoje miasto?
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Do you like your city?
Miasto położone blisko Katowic
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City is close to Katowice
Nie znam tego miasta
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I dont know this city
Jesteś tutaj
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Your are here
jesteś na placu budowy
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you are at construction place
Chcę iść na stację kolejową
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I want to go to train station
Chcę iść do szkoły
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I want to go to school
Idź prosto
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You go straight
Idź w prawo
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You go right
Idź w lewo
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You go left
Jesteś na farmie
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You are at farm
Możesz mi pomóc?
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Can you help me?
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of course

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