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cmentarz (przy kościele)
iejsce było tak osamotnione jak cmentarz.
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The place was as lonely as a churchyard.
niemy, milczący
Oni nie chcą już milczeć na ten temat.
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They are no longer willing to remain mute on this subject.
niesławny (np. porażka, przeznaczenie); that people should be ashamed of because it is not fair or honest
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That country has a long, inglorious record of dealing harshly with political prisoners.
1) hałaśliwy, gromki, donośny; making a lot of noise 2) głośny
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clamorous, excited voices
wyczytywanie listy (np. w szkole, na apelu) / If someone does a roll call, they read aloud the names of all the people on the list to make certain that they are present.
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roll call
2) apel (w wojsku) 3) odczytanie nazwisk, odczytanie listy obecności; the act of reading aloud the names of people on a list to check whether they are present
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roll call
chować, pochować (ciało zmarłego) / to bury a dead body
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to inter
Many of the soldiers were interred in unmarked graves.
Order Zasługi
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Order of Merit
The Order of Merit is a Commonwealth order of merit recognising distinguished service in the armed forces, science, art, literature, or for the promotion of culture.
mistrz, nauczyciel, wirtuoz; gospodarz, pan, władca; kapitan, szef, majster
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Wniebowstąpienie; the sixth Thursday after Easter, when Christians celebrate Christ's journey from earth to heaven
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Ascension Day
domek, chata, stróżówka; a small house in the country, used especially by people on holiday or taking part in sports, or one on land belonging to a large house
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a ski/hunting lodge
surowy (o wyglądzie czegoś), prosty (o dekoracji); empty, simple, or obvious, especially without decoration or anything that is not necessary
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It was a stark room with a bed and chair as the only furniture. / The stark reality is that we are operating at a huge loss. / In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in stark (= extreme) contrast to the slums of the city's poor.
pochówek; the act of burying a dead body; synonym: burial
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stulatek; someone who is a 100 years old or more
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1) pomnik (poświęcony czyjejś pamięci) 2) tablica pamiątkowa; an object, often large and made of stone, that has been built to honour a famous person or event:
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a war memorial / The statue was erected as a memorial to those who died in the war.
ważni ludzie; important people
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the great and the good
The great and the good are calling on the government to support the arts.
to be very noticeable
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to stand out
The black lettering really stands out on that orange background.
a person who is important, especially in a small town
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The front row of chairs was reserved for local worthies.
roślina wiecznie zielona; An [...] plant, bush, or tree has leaves for the whole year.
W lesie jest trochę roślin wiecznie zielonych.
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There are some evergreens in the forest.
okaz, egzemplarz; something shown or examined as an example; a typical example
To był bardzo rzadki okaz.
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It was a very rare specimen. He has a collection of rare insect specimens. Museums will pay large amounts of money for good dinosaur fossil specimens. Astronauts brought back specimens of moon rock.
być w obfitości, być pod dostatkiem, obfitować
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Theories abound about how the universe began.
extremely loud
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The music was deafening. / deafening traffic
unosić się, wisieć w powietrzu
Helikopter wisiał w powietrzu nad lądowiskiem.
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The helicopter hovered over the landing pad.
obwód (figury geometrycznej); granica, obrzeża
Czy możesz obliczyć obwód tego trójkąta? / Trzeba rozważyć, gdzie ma być granica strefy.
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Can you calculate the perimeter of this triangle? / You have to look at where the perimeter would be.
otwór rezonansowy
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sound hole
subskrypcja publiczna
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public subscription
A [...] tree loses its leaves in autumn and grows new ones in the spring.; liściasty, zrzucający liście (o drzewie)
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drzewo liściaste
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deciduous tree
drzewo iglaste, drzewo szpilkowe
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drzewo iglaste
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coniferous tree
kostnica (w szpitalu); kostnica (w zakładzie pogrzebowym)
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kaplica pogrzebowa
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mortuary chapel
sztuka tworzenia grotów strzał i innych narzędzi kamiennych za pomocą ciosania
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flint knapping
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imponujący, okazały, olśniewający
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an imposing mansion / He was an imposing figure on stage.
next to, or together with
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A car pulled up alongside (ours). The new pill will be used alongside existing medicines. Most of the staff refused to work alongside the new team. The UK fought alongside France, Turkey, and Sardinia during the Crimean War.
wędrować, włóczyć się, szwendać się; pronunciation: o
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We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city. She was found several hours later, wandering the streets, lost. He was here a minute ago but he's wandered off somewhere.
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blackberry and apple pie
drwić z kogoś, żartować z kogoś/ (formal or old-fashioned) to treat someone or something carelessly or without respect
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to trifle with somebody/something
He trifled with her affections (= feelings). / As you know, Caroline O'Neill is not a woman to be trifled with.
czekać na dalsze informacje, nie zmieniać stacji
Wkrótce ogłosimy wyniki. Czekajcie na dalsze informacje!
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stay tuned
We will announce the results soon. Stay tuned!
gderliwy, zrzędliwy, marudzący, narzekający, naburmuszony
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I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling kind of grumpy. / a grumpy old man
Roszpunka (postać z baśni braci Grimm)
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instynktowny, ekspresywny; based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thought
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visceral hatred/excitement // His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.
duża część czegoś; a large part of something that includes several different things
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These people represent a broad/wide swathe of public opinion. / He has an extraordinary hold over large swathes of this country, a visceral connection that among tousands of supporters has brought a near cult-lilke devotion.
1. tekst napisany drobną czcionką (drobnym drukiem) 2. nieoczekiwane i niekorzystne warunki umowy
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fine print
1) text in a formal agreement that is printed smaller than the rest of the text, sometimes in the hope that it will not be noticed 2) important information printed in small letters in an agreement or document
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fine print
Make sure you examine the fine print before you sign the contract. / After four years in the White House, his supporters studied the fine print of his presidency and clicked enthusiastically on the terms and conditions.
osoba piastująca urząd; officially having the named position
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The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office. In order to be a good mayor, the incumbent should care about their citizens.
buntownik, buntowniczka, powstaniec; someone who is fighting against the government in their own country
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All approaches to the capital are now under the control of the insurgents.
stronniczość; the quality or action of strongly supporting a person, principle, or political party, often without considering or judging the matter very carefully
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There was a certain partisanship about the way that votes were cast.; He promised he was going to end partisanship.
zmywacz do paznokci
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nail polish remover
pilnik do stóp
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a foot file
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figi, majtki (damskie)
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knickers (BrEn) / panties (Am En)
robić z igły widły, zdenerwować się z z błahego podowu
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get one's knickers in a twist
1) brudny, niechlujny 2) haniebny (o czynie); tu (The Crown): parszywe
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na dziś koniec, wystarczy na dziś; zakończyć pracę, skończyć na dziś
Dobra robota, ludzie. Zakończmy na dzisiaj. / Zakończmy pracę i chodźmy na drinka.
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call it a day
Well done, guys. Let's call it a day. / Let's call it a day and have a drink.
tu (The Crown): nie będę więcej pisał (dziś? czy w ogóle?)
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I'll call it a day.
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foul play
kurczyć się, zanikać, zmniejszać się
Nasze zapasy wody zmniejszyły się. / Moje nadzieje na wygraną zmniejszały się z każdą minutą.
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Our supply of water has dwindled. / My hopes for winning dwindled with each passing minute.
odrażający, wstrętny; morally very bad; syn: repugnant (formal)
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an abhorrent crime / Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
wstrętny, odrażający (np. o zachowaniu) / If behaviour or beliefs, etc. are ~, they are very unpleasant, causing a feeling of disgust
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a repugnant smell / I find your attitude towards these women quite repugnant. / The idea of cheating in an exam is morally repugnant to me.
środek uspokajający; a drug used to calm a person or animal or to make them sleep
Podałem mu łagodny środek uspokajający, żeby pomóc mu odpocząć.
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I gave him a mild sedative in order to help him rest.
rzadki, nieczęsto spotykany (np. egzemplarz książki, monety)
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Good teachers are really scarce. / Trees are scarce in the desert. / Coins that are as old as yours are scarce. / Food and clean water were becoming scarce. /scarce resources
ulotnić się, stać się nieosiągalnym / to go away from a difficult situation in order to avoid trouble
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make oneself scarce
Dad's really angry with you, so you'd better make yourself scarce.
wzmocnić, wzmacniać (np. sygnał); to make something louder
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amplified music/guitar
zwiększać, powiększać (np. obawy); to increase the size or effect of something
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A funeral can amplify the feelings of regret and loss for the relatives.
denerwować (kogoś), zbić z tropu
Jego śmiech zbił mnie z tropu. / Jej pytanie zdenerwowało go.
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to rattle
His laugh rattled me. / Her question rattled him.
ocalić, uratować; to try to make a bad situation better
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It was a desperate attempt to salvage the situation. / After the fraud scandal he had to make great efforts to salvage his reputation.
osoba, która pisze bezzwrokowo
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touch typist
zmęczenie, znużenie
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pod kątem 90°;
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bezpośrednio, wprost
Ona spojrzała bezpośrednio na niego.
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She looked squarely at him.
centralnie, prosto
On uderzył mnie prosto w twarz.
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He hit me squarely in the face.
nachylenie, przechylenie (np. szklanki), przekrzywienie (np. głowy)
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It may be possible to tilt or swivel your screen to avoid the light, or it might be necessary to reposition your computer on the desk.
obracać (coś), obracać (się), wywracać (np. oczami)
On zawsze ich witał obracając się na fotelu.
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He always greeted them swiveling on his chair. / It may be possible to tilt or swivel your screen to avoid the light, or it might be necessary to reposition your computer on the desk.
szkodliwy, krzywdzący
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ściągawka, ściąga, bryk
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crib sheet / cheat sheet
zagłębienie się w temat
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deeper dive
reklamować, zachwalać
Musimy reklamować naszę firmę, żeby stała się bardziej popularna.
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to pitch
We have to pitch our company to make it more popular.
komplet (mebli)
Będziemy potrzebowali kompletu takich krzeseł.
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We'll need a suite of those chairs./ our suite of products from both print and Digital offerings
znaczny, niemały, pokaźny
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healthy response
gwałtowna reakcja (przeciwko czemuś), ostry sprzeciw
To może wywołać powszechną reakcję w Rosji i obalić rząd.
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It could cause a popular backlash in Russia and bring down the government.
wprowadzić do Salesforce
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to enter onto Salesforce
oznaczyć kucz organizacji i kontaktów w polu Education
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tagging organization and contact keys under education specific field
odizolowany (od innych) / separated from other people or things
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Working in a big company, you became very siloed and it was easy to lose touch with the real world. There are multiple siloed repositories of the same customer information.
poprawa, zmiana na lepsze
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zwrotnik (jeden z dwóch równoleżników)
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one of the two imaginary lines around the earth at approximately 23.5 degrees north and 23.5 degrees south of the equator
the northern tropic
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the Tropic of Cancer
the southern tropic
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the Tropic of Capricorn
kosz z wiekiem, kosz z przykrywą
Dobra pogoda i kosz pełen jedzenia to wszystko, czego potrzeba nam na piknik.
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a hamper
Nice weather and a hamper full of food is all we need for our picnic. / Christmas hampers
gra, której uczestnicy muszą uzbierać zestaw różnych przedmiotów
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scavenger hunt
a game in which people must collect a number of items in a given period of time without buying them
Święto Objawienia Pańskiego, święto Trzech Króli
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niemoc, zniedołężnienie (szczególnie w starszym wieku)
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the state of being weak and unhealthy, or an illness
osada, wioska
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Monet painted several scenes of the hamlet of Lavacourt across the River Seine from where he was living at Vetheuil.
kielich mszalny
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drozd / taki który widziałam z Mamą przy Pałacu Branickich
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samce - czarne z żółtym dziobem / samice - upierzenie w dużej części ziemnobrązowe
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zięba (zwyczajna)
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zięba zwyczajna (gatunek ptaka)
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talia kart
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deck (of cards)
kier (kolor w kartach)
król kier
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the king of hearts
karo (kolor w kartach)
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She's got 2 hearts and three diamonds.
trefl (kolor w kartach)
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pik (kolor w kartach)
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spades (color in cards)
kolor karty
5 kart tego samego koloru
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5 cards of the same suit
wyryć, wytrawić, wytrawiać (np. szkło, metal, wzór) wyryć, wytrawić, wytrawiać (np. szkło, metal, wzór)
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wykonać kwasoryt albo akwafortę
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uprzejmy, uczynny
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willing to change your plans in order to help people / She is always so accommodating
odkupiciel, zbawiciel, wybawca
Chrześcijanie wierzą, że Jezus Chrystus jest Zbawicielem świata.
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Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of the world.
Średnica to odległość, łącząca jedną stronę okręgu ze stroną przeciwną.
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The diameter of a circle is its measurement from one side directly to the opposite side.
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przyspieszać, przyśpieszać, usprawniać
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to make an action or process happen more quickly / to expedite the process
poufna informacja, cynk
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a piece of information that you give someone secretly, so that they can take action or prevent something happening
dawać komuś cynk (informować kogoś o czymś), ostrzegać kogoś
A co jeśli pójdę do gliniarzy i dam im cynk?
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tip somebody off
What if I get along to the cops and tip them off?
nakaz sądowy
Jeśli chce pan mnie przesłuchwiać, proszę najpierw zdobyć nakaz.
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If you want to question me, get a warrant first.
wymanewrować, przechytrzyć / to do something clever that gives you an advantage over someone you are competing against
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She outmanoeuvred her opponents throughout the election campaign.
nie do utrzymania, nie do obrony (np. stanowisko, opinia)
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an untenable position
dzierżyć, trzymać w ręku (np. miecz, topór) / to hold a weapon or tool and look as if you are going to use it
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They were confronted by a man wielding a knife.
władać (bronią)
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to have a lot of influence or power over other people / mieć wpływy /władzę itp.
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wield influence/power, etc
wielding moral authority
niszczyć, niweczyć, przekreślić (np. szanse) / kłaść się cieniem na / to cause damage to or have a bad effect on something
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Injury has blighted his career.
kłótliwy / angry or arguing a lot
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zdumiewający, szokujący, oszałamiający, niewiarygodny / very shocking and surprising
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He earns a staggering amount of money. / a staggering number
(of a product) to be sold in greater numbers than another product / sprzedawać się lepiej (np. niż produkt konkurencyjny)
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MP3s soon began to outsell CDs.
to throw something away or get rid of it because you no longer want or need it / wyrzucać, pozbywać się
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Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.
If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong
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compelling evidence / It's a fairly compelling argument for going. /compelling offer
przygotować się na coś, przygotowywać się na coś
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brace for something
Britons brace for end of heatwave as UK battered by cold Arctic front.
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aparat ortodontyczny
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zbić, walić, tłuc, uderzać / to hit and behave violently towards a person, especially a woman or child, repeatedly over a long period of time, or to hit something with force many times
On tłukł worek treningowy przez godzinę.
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to batter
He -ed the punching bag for an hour. He was battered to death with a rifle butt. He was battering (at/on) the door with his fists and howling. The waves -ed against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. The burglars had -ed down the door of the house.
uderzyć, doświadczyć, poszkodować (np. przez silny wiatr) / to hit someone or something again and again:
Miasto zostało poszkodowane przez Huragan Irma.
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to batter
The city was battered by Hurricane Irma. / Thunderstorms were battering Kansas again on Sunday. / fig. He had been battered by opponents who turned public opinion against him.
rzadkie ciasto (np. na naleśniki) lub panierka / a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk, used to make pancakes or to cover food before frying it:
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fish in batter
rwa kulszowa / ischias, rwa kulszowa (ból nerwu kulszowego)
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spedytor (zajmujący się transportem ciężarowym); transportowiec
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cętkowany, nakrapiany
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mottled skin
plamisty, pstrokaty, w plamy / opposite: uniform
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He spent 3 nights at hospital with patchy skin, swelling on his lips, a high temperature and unable to keep fluids. "I thought it was a sickness bug. I had no idea it was caused by coronavirus,@ says Myer, whose son recovered well.
zajmować się głupotami
Nie możemy zajmować się głupotami w nieskończoność.
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faff around / about
We can't faff around forever. / I wish you'd stop faffing about and do something useful!
śliski (np. o podłodze, schodach, drodze)
Uważaj - droga jest śliska.
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Be careful - the road is slippery.
oblężenie (miasta, twierdzy)
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przerwa (np. wakacyjna), przerwa (w obradach sądu, parlamentu)
Panie i panowie, musimy zarządzić 15 minutową przerwę.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we need to take a 15-minute recess now.
szynka wędzona
meat taken from the back leg or side of a pig and preserved with smoke or salt; a type of ham uk/food/recipes/exceptional_gammon_with_50001
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This gammon is delicious. He helped himself to a slice of gammon.
to persuade someone to buy something or give support to an idea
Hi Recipes, Does anyone have a mince pie recipe that they swear by? I make them every year but I'm never really sold on the pastry.
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sell somebody on something
Distributors are trained to sell consumers on the idea that these products are a necessary part of their safety system. She's really sold on the idea of moving to Australia.
odprężać się, relaksować się, wrzucić na luz
As I finally start to wind down for the year and consider yet another festive mince-pie, I thought I would drop you a line to thank you for your commitment and hard-work in what can only be described as the most extraordinary working year I and I am sure
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wind down
most of you, have ever experienced.
the best-selling brand of brown sauce in the UK
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HP Brown Sauce
bardzo czegoś pragnąć, pragnąć, mieć nieodpartą ochotę na coś; to want something very much
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crave for something
Lucy is a child who craves affection.
masa, wielka ilość
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The couple now lives in Santa Barbara, California, and are working on a slew of projects including a podcast and a production company in partnership with Netflix.
traktować z góry (kogoś), lekceważyć (kogoś) / to be rude to someone, especially by not speaking to them
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Trump snubs Biden as Democrats mull impeachment. President Trump will become only the fourth president in US history to snub his successor's inauguration.
zastanawiać się nad czymś, rozważać coś / przemyśleć coś, przetrawić coś / to think carefully about something for a long time, often before you make a decision
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mull something over
Trump snubs Biden as Democrats mull impeachment.
podburzać, podżegać, jątrzyć, namawiać, judzić, zachęcać, agitować, pobudzać (np. do buntu)
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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau began his press conference today by addressing the "assault on democracy by violent rioters" that he says was "incited by the current president and other politicians".

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