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ucieczka, wyciek, ulatnianie się, unikać, uciekać, umykać,
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escape, I prepared a plan of our escape. The escape of gas can be lethal. I'm escaping the responsibility. I tried very hard to escape that conversation. Her errors escape my notice. The criminal escaped from the prison.
zdrowy rozsądek, zdrowie psychiczne
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sanity - in retrospective I think she was slightly worried about my sanity
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zduszony, zahamowany, stłumiony,
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suppressed, both types of dictatorial regims suppressed freedom
skłonny, podatny
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prone (children are particularly prone to develop depression when being treated with this medication. I'm prone to headaches. he's prone to forgetting things.
wstrzymać, zatrzymanie, opóźnienie
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hold up, now is the time to act and parlament is extremely unhappy about this hold up, sorry for being late, I've got hold up in the office, we should be very careful not to hold up benefits,
skłonić, bezzwłoczny, natychmiastowy, punktualy,
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prompt, it was a prompt reply. this program requires prompt action. we're leaving at six o'clock prompt.
zachęta, bodziec, motywacja
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incentive, it's amazing what a little incentives can do. Hope the promotion was an incentive to hard work
sprzeciwiać się,
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oppose, public opinion opposes the war. it wan't be good if you oppose them.
wykrzykiwać, wrzeszczec, wrzask, ryk,
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to bawl, as soon as I leveled the charges agains him he started bawling like a baby. he spent the entire morning bawling at him.
mdłe, nijaki, bezbarwny,
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bland. some people find this music a bit bland. otherwise the taste will be bland
uczestniczyć, brać udział, dzielić, podzielić
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partake, did you ever partaken in a Hunt? we partake in the excitement befour the concert. the males do not partake in rasing any of the young.
zjeść, wypić, mieć, posiadać, poczęstować,
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partake of something, would you like to partake of a Glass of wather? her newest Novel partakes of the naturę of the previous ones. partake of ice cream
sprzeczne, zaprzeczające, zaprzeczanie
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contradictory, a good relationship with oneself involves integrating the contradictory emotions that we experience
mieszać, poruszać, ruszać się z miejsca, opuszczać, pobudzać, podniecać, wzbudzać, mącic,
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stir, stir the soup. The wind gently stirred the leaves. he was a shy Child, he seldom stirred from his room. her speech stirred a lot of people. The photo stirred many memories. she wants to stir in our relationship
na siłę,
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At a push. by force, don't make me do it at the push, I'm not holding anyone here by force.
Wybrzeże, brzeg,
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shore. if we follow the Shore we're sure to find him. we will all be happy when we get to shore
mieszanka, mieszanina, this blend of tea is delicious
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blend, unique blend of cultures,
Poprzedzać, iść, jechać przed,
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to precede, did you read the text on the preceding page? numerous stories are Associated with the time preceding her death. he left the office and preceded the others to the street, a short speech will precede the dinner,
pociągający, atrakcyjny,
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appealing, ther is nothing appealing about it, this quality in him made him appealing
wzbogacać, urozmaicić,
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enrich, it will enrich the quality of your life
jak się do tego zabrać, zacząć coś,
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how to go about, I had no idea how to go about it, should I go about this right away?
o ile, pod warunkiem,
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provided, dogs may be brouht into the park provided that they are kept on a lead. I will go to the party provided you go with me.
podobno, rzekomo, jak mówią, według doniesień, ponoć
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reportedly, they reportedly are expecting a Child.
przekazy kulturowe
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cultural transmissions
wabić, kusić, urok,
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allure, she had reportedly impressed him with her allure. every woman has her own special allure, e was allure by the idea of becoming...
brnąć, iść z trudem
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trudge. you can't trudge throught this snow. it's to Deep.
wieloaspektowy, wielowymiarwy,
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multifaceted, multidimensional, it's a complex and multifaceted issue, because of it's multidimensional naturę...
instynkt samozachowawczy, samoobrona
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self-preservation, ther is nothing wrong with a little self-preservation. self-preservation is the primary instinct of the human Psyche.
oferta, oferowana cena, stawka, pruba,
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bid, his bid was the highest so he won the auction. he failed his bid to get my respect.
kazać, rozkazać,
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bid. his Mother bade him to clean his room. you should do as you are bidden
wychowanie, pielęgnować, rozwijać, wspierać,
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nurture, it help nurture problem-solving skills, it requires time to nurture any relationship,
zatrzasnął, uderzył, trzasnął,
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slammed, she heard the slam of the doors. the wind slummed the window. he slammed his gun into my face. he slammed you. he slammed his head into the mirror.
postępować zgodnie z..., z poszanowaniem, przestrzegać?, trwać, przebywać, mieszkać, wytrzymać, znieść,
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abide, won't abide any witnesses. we will have no choice but to abide. we have to abide to the laws of science
pycha, duma
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pride, nobody likes him because of his pride.
W związku z tym, stąd, za, zatem,
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hence. she fell down hence the cast. a year hence we will be married. My wife had been ill, hence the delay.
zastraszające, przerażający, onieśmielający,
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intimidating. she's beautyful, a little intimidating. this place can be intimidating especially on your own. I'm intimidated by the amound of work.
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indiscriminately, uncritically, thay believe in this uncritically, he unquestioningly believed everything she told him

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