Monika 7th Sept

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Mogłoby być lepiej.
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It could be better.
Co się stało?
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What's the matter?
po imprezie
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after the party
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piles / haemorrhoids
podnieść coś
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to lift sth
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to get - got - got
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to give - gave - given
pióro wieczne
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a fountain pen
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air conditioning
On ma psa.
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He has a dog.
On miał dwa koty.
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He had two cats.
On ma firmę.
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He has a company.
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bliźniaki mają 8 lat
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the twins are 8 years old
liceum (am.)
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high school
Jego żona jest nauczycielką.
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His wife is a teacher.
Co robi jego żona?
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What does his wife do?
Czy jesteś w kontakcie?
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Are you in touch?
spotkać się
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to meet -met - met
dwa lata temu
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two years ago
Poznałem ją na wakacjach dwa lata temu.
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I met her on holiday two years ago.
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a police officer
na imprezie
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at the party
przyjaciel moich dzieci
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my children's friend
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She's family-oriented.
miły / dobry / o dobrym sercu
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Ona jest dobrą kucharką.
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She's a good cook.
dogodny (np. termin)
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convenient (for sb to do sth)
Czy pasuje Ci spotkanie 3 lipca?
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Is it convenient for you to meet on the 3rd of July?
one / oni
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On tęskni za moją mamą.
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He misses my mum.
On nie chce się ponownie żenić.
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He doesn't want to marry again.
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Ona jest starsza od mojego taty.
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She is older than my dad.
odejść (umrzeć)
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to pass away
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a widow
Co to znaczy?
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What does IT mean?
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a widower
wiele lat temu/wieki temu
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many years ago / ages ago
Było wielu ludzi.
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There were many people.
dwa torty urodzinowe
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two birthday cakes
drugi (z dwóch)
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the other one
Były dwa ciasta; jeden był biały, a drugi czarny
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There were two cakes; one was white and the other one was black
Były 44 osoby.
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There were 44 people.
na imprezie
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at the party
deska / tablica
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a board
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deska do krojenia
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a cutting board
drewniana deska
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a wooden board
tablica (do pisania markerami)
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a whiteboard
Ja jestem z Polski.
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I'm FROM Poland.
Przyjechałem tu z rodziną.
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I came here with my family.
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a notebook
Nie chcę niczego zmieniać.
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I don't want to change anything.
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a nickname

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