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keep in touch
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stay in contact
have the same sense of humour
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find the same things funny
have a lot in common
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like the same things
lose touch
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not stay in contact
get to know somebody
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know somebody better
enjoy her company
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like to be with somebodg
fell out
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stop being friends
miec duzo wspolnego
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have a lot in common - like/enjoy the same things
pozostac w kontakcie
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keep in touch - stay in contact
stracic kontakt
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lost touch with sb - lost contact with sb
podoby/ nadajacy na tych damych falach
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on the same wavelength - understand each other well
miec to samo poczucie humoru
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a good sence of humor - find the same thing funny
poznać kogoś (lepiej)
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get to know sb (better)
kolega z pracy
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colleagues - someone we work with
przyjaciel przyjaciela
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friend of a friend - someone who is friends with your friend
mają ze sobą wiele wspólnego - lubią / cieszą się tymi samymi rzeczami
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have a lot in common - like/enjoy the same things
interesowac sie czyms
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keen on sth - interested in
biegły, płynny
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maiec tendencję / robic cos na ogol
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tend to do sth - something that usually happens
strzelać w górę/ urosnąc
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shoot up - grow up
rozwiązanie (problemu)
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solution (to a problem)
należeć do
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belong to
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enermous - very huge
stos/ sterta
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pile - a large amount of something
w miedzyczasie
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mine while - something that happens between two events
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throw up - vomit
zrobi. dobre wrazenie na kims
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made good impresion on sb -
nalega na zrobienie czegos
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insited to doing sth - to ask someone very much to do something
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apprehensive - worried or frightened that something unpleasant may happen
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resistance - digicult acctepting changes and ideas
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custodian - people who is taking care og something and protect ideas
sceptycyzm - martwiłem się, że stanie się coś złego
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scepticism - feeled worried that simething bad is going to happend
pozbyc sie (czegos)
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do away with (sth) - remive it completly
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stigma - stron feeling or shame
lęk/ niepokoj
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anxiety - feeling that sth bad will happend
ulepszać/ poprawa
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improve - do sth better
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mówić głośniej
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speak up - speak louder
pożyczyć coś
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borrow sth - give someone something for a while
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write down - make notes
różnica między
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difference betwren
kolega z klasy
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classmate - the person we go to class with
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boss - someone who rules us at work
kolega z druzyny
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teammate - a person we work in a group with
teść - ojciec czyjejś żony/męża
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father-in-law - someone's wife/husband's father
macocha - kobieta, którą poślubił nasz tata
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step mother - the woman our dad married
stary przyjaciel
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old friend - a person who was our friend long time ago
bliski przyjaciel
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closefriend - the person we trus very much
byla dziewczyna
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ex-girlfriend - the person we were in a relationship with
jazda na snowboardzie
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tozmawiac z
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speak to
życzliwy - troszczy się o ciebie, a mrówka chce ci pomóc
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kind-hearted - cares about you ant wants to help you
nadąsany - jest zły i nieszczęśliwy przez długi czas
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sulky - is angry and unhappy for long time
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upbeat - someone who is optimistic
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encourage - influence somebody in a positive way
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selfish - egoistic/ someone who care only about themself
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generous - happily gives you whatever you need
miły - ktoś bardzo miły
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pleasant - someon very kind
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mean - someone unpleasant
godny zaufania
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dependable - someone who always does what you need them to
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jealous -
dzielic sie czyms
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shered (sth)
nie moc doczekac sie czegos
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look forward to something - waiy for a exciting event
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excuse not to -
ciezkoe czasy
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time are tought - a difficult time for someone/ a time when we have a lot of problems
przebrnac przez cos
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get through - finish something difficult
oddalic sie od siebie
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drift away - we stop having frequent contact with someone
osoba bez znajomych
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billy-no-mate - someone who dont have friends
kij ma dwa konce
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duble- edged sword
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outgoing - a person who enjoys the company of people
utrzymac przyjazn
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to mention friendship - try to maintain relationships
pokrzepic kogos
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reassure so - cheer up someone
dotyczyc (dotyka kofos samotnodc)
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grow up - become from being a child to being an adult
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bring up - care for children until they are adults
skarcić kogos
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tell (someone) off - talk angrily to sb becouse they have don something wrong
odziedziczyc po kims
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take after sb - look or bahave like anitger member of your family
opiekować się
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look after - take care of sb or sth
dobadywac sie z kims
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get on (with) (sb) - have a good relation with someone
podziwiac kogos
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look up (sb) - respect someone
kontynuować (robić coś) -> kontynuować (robić coś)
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carry on (doing something) -> continue (doing something)
pogodzic sie
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to make up - stop arguing with sb
byc wscieklym
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see red - be very angry
bardzo sie z kims pokolcic
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to have a row (with sb) - to argue very much with someone
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supplit - deliver
wytwarzac cos
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manifacturing - produce something
przenieść się
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relocate to - move from one place to other
w końcu
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prawie nigdy (prawie nigdy (prawie nigdy sie nie zmienialo)
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hardly (changed) - prawie nigdy (prawie wcale sie nie zmienilo)
by odnieść sukces
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to be successful
konkurować z kimś
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competing with sb
trzymający w napięciu
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w pewien sposób
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in a way
kierowac sie
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head for
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nieprzewidziany, nieoczekiwany
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historia zainteresowań ludzi
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human interest story
bieżące wydarzenia
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current affairs
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wysoki spacer po linie
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hight wire walk
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stanął naprzeciwko
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stood across
dramat historyczny
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period drama
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poprzedzac cos
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lead up
nieprzewidziany, nieoczekiwany
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start learning
to forge
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śmiać się z
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to laugh at
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start learning
w pewien sposób
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in a way
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start learning
start learning
osiągnąć cel
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to achive a goal
przeprowadzac badania
start learning
mają tendencję do
start learning
tend to

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