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niepodlegający negocjacjom
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nonnegotiable. not negotiable
nonnegotiable demands. The price is not negotiable.
sensowny, praktyczny, skupiający się tylko na zasadniczych aspektach
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a businesslike no-nonsense approach; a severe no-nonsense look.
zakłopotany, zaskoczony (nierozumiejąc), Unsure how to act or respond
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zakłopotany, zaskoczony (nierozumiejąc), ?
I was nonplussed by his openly expressed admiration of me.
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non-renewable energy resources
bezsensowny, niedorzeczny, absurdalny. Without sense; absurd.
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nonsensical |nɑːnˈsensɪkl|
don't be nonsensical! This is a nonsensical argument. Ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer.
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a non-smoker
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non-smoking is now the norm
coś/ktoś nie mający szans na powodzenie
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a non-starter
In its present form the scheme is a non-starter.
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a non-stick frying pan
zakamarek, kącik
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a nook
There was a small broom for sweeping ash kept in the nook between the fireplace bricks and the wall. The back of the used book shop was one of her favorite nooks; she could read for hours and no one would bother her or pester her to buy.
(idiomatic) Any part of a place; anywhere.
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any nook or cranny
I don't know where you put your keys, they could be in any nook or cranny.

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