Milena 13th Feb

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Zacznijmy, OK?
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Let's start, shall we?
Chodźmy do kina dziś wieczorem?
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Let's go to the cinema tonight, shall we?
Zjedzmy poza domem w piątek wieczorem, dobrze?
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Let's eat out on Friday night, shall we?
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a comma
Jasne. / Nie ma sprawy.
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Sure thing.
Obejrzyjmy film na Netflixie w piątek wieczorem, dobrze?
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Let's watch a film on Netflix ON Friday evening, shall we?
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to think - thought - thought
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to buy - bought - bought
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to catch - caught - caught
uczyć / nauczać
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to teach - taught - taught [tot]
walczyć / kłócić się
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to fight - fought - fought
Przestańcie kłócić się.
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Stop fighting.
Nie rób tego.
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Don't do it.
Ja ciągle myślałam o szkole.
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I kept thinking about school.
Ona ciągle na nas krzyczy.
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She keeps shouting at us.
Ona ciągle okłamuje swoich rodziców.
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She keeps lying TO her parents.
Przestań okłamywać mnie.
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Stop lying to me.
Zadzwonię za 5 minut.
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I'll call you in 5 minutes.
On ciągle do mnie dzwoni w nocy.
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He keeps calling me at night.
bardzo głodny
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Umieram z głodu.
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I'm starving.
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a canteen
umrzeć z głodu
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to starve to death
Many people starve to death every day.
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Enjoy (your meal)
Lubię słuchać muzyki.
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I enjoy listening TO music.
Posłuchaj mnie.
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Listen TO me.
Ja słucham muzyki teraz.
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I'm listening to music now.
Nie słuchaj swoich rodziców.
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Don't listen to your parents.
Nie słuchaj go.
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Don't listen TO him.
Wczoraj słuchałam audiobooka.
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Yesterday I listened TO an audiobook.
Czy ty słuchasz audiobooków codziennie?
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Do you listen to audiobooks every day?
rzadki (np. ptak)
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rzadki ptak
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a rare bird
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Stolicą Polski jest Warszawa.
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The capital of Poland is Warsaw.

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