matura ustna

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wydaje mi się
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it seems to me
mam takie samo zdanie
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I am of the same opinion
muszę się z tym zgodzić
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I must agree with that
nie mogę się bardziej zgodzić
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I couldn't agree more
mam inne zdanie
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I am of a different opinion
to zależy
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it depends
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to be honest...
nie jestem do końca pewny
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I'm not entirely convincened
pierwszy plan
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z tyłu
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po lewej stronie jest
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on the left side there is
na górze obrazka
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at the top of the picture
na środku...
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in the middle...
na dole...
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at the bottom...
co więcej
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dlatego że
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nie wybrałbym tego, bo
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I wouldn't choose it because
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all in all
moim zdaniem
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in my mind / opinion
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I prefer
śmiem twierdzić
start learning
I dare say

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