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1 pisze w odpowiedzi na...
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I am writing in response to your arcicle about role moders witch was published in the latest issue
0 Drogi Redaktorze
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Dear Editor
2 nie zgadzam sie z...
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I cannot argee with the statment that current youtubers are role moders
3 moim autorytetem jest doda
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My authority is Doda
3.1 ma cos czego brakuje innym
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she has something that many people lack right now
3.2 pewna siebie bezposrednia
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she is confident is direct
3.3 nie przejmuje sie opinią
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doesn’t care about the opinion of others
4 zwracam sie z prosbą o...
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I am requesting you to public my letter in the next issue
5 z powazaniem
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yours faithfully

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