Lesson 7

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adherence to sth
He was noted for his strict adherence to the rules.
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trzymanie się r.n. [czegoś], przestrzeganie r.n. [czegoś]
the fact of someone behaving exactly according to rules, beliefs, etc
"Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough" "Be persistent - don't give up" He has been a persistent critic of the president"
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ciągły, przewlekły, wytrwały, nieustępliwy
-lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of:... - Someone who is persistent continues doing something or tries to do something in a determined but often unreasonable way:
Most financial analysts have been surprised by the persistence of the recession. Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international success.
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utrzymywanie się, wytrwałość, upór
the fact that someone or something persists:
Call me to confirm the date of our meeting.
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They knew that he did it but they couldn't prove it.
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Our first sighting of a buffalo herd was a memorable moment for all.
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I spend my time learning.
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Spędzam czas na nauce.
to wear many hats = to have many jobs
wear two hats
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mieć wiele prac
sprawować dwie funkcje
to fire
My boss fired me for being late.
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zwalniać z pracy
to lay somebody of
The boss told me he would lay me off if I came to work late once again.
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zwalniać kogoś
Why didn't she hire you?
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a riddle
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in a narrow field
The narrow fields gave way to woods and the road turned back to the north.
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w wąskim polu
A little bit of flattery was now in order, I thought.
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be in order
A little bit of flattery was now in order, I thought.
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być w porządku
the jury
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an emotion in motion
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a navel = a belly button
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watch the programme
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oglądać program
work on it!
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Popracuj nad tym!
However, both are addictive and should be used with care.
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you can be addicted
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możesz być uzależniony
addicted to something/someone
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uzależniony od czegoś / kogoś
get addicted to something
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uzależnić się od czegoś
trashy = shitty= bad= poor
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tandetny, gówniany
loads of something
If you load lots of pictures on the server, the servers cecomes overloaded.
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ładować coś
hear from somebody
If I don't hear from you, I will become worried.
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dostawać wiadomość od kogoś
achive one's goals/aims
His meeting with the students, however, did not achieve its aim.
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osiągać swoje cele
put a lot of effort into sth
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włożył wiele wysiłku w sth
do one's best
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dołożyć starań/postarać się
have an opportunity to do something
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mam okazję coś zrobić
mess sth up
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psuć, schrzanić
mess somebody sth
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wpieprzyć komuś
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dream of somebody / something
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marzenie o kimś / coś
encourage somebody to do something
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zachęcić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
encourage somebody in something
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dodawać komuś otuchy
take part in soemthing
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brać udział w czymś
make the most of something
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wykorzystać coś w pełni
get the most out of something
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wykorzystać coś w pełni
make most of something
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czerpać z czegoś garściami
go wrong
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popsuć się, pójść źle, popełnić błąd
a password
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install softwear (onto a computer)
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zainstaluj oprogramowanie (na komputerze)
back up something
Back up these files in case the computer crashes.
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1. zrobić kopię zapasową 2. odeprzeć coś, używając przykładów lub dowodów (np. hipotezę, koncepcję, pomysł) 3. cofać (pojazdem)
Wykonaj kopię zapasową tych plików na wypadek awarii komputera.
We store copies of the database in two separate locations.
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1. sklep 2. przechowywać (dane w komputerze)
Przechowujemy kopie bazy danych w dwóch oddzielnych lokalizacjach.
hard drive
The hard disk is making strange sounds.
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dysk twardy (w komputerze)
Dysk twardy wydaje dziwne dźwięki.
memory stick
I store my photos on the USB stick.
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pamięć USB, pendrive
Przechowuję moje zdjęcia na pamięci USB.
spam/ junk mail
This e-mail client has a built-in spam filter.
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spam / poczta śmieciowa
an attachment
I'll send you the file as an attachment
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1, Przywiązanie (do kogoś lub czegoś), więź 2. Załącznik
Wyślę ci ten plik jako załącznik
a virus
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załamanie (na giełdzie), wypadek, awaria
copy sb in on sth
Please copy me in on your email to Dr White.
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wysłać komuś kopię emaila, wysłanego do kogoś innego
forward something to somebody
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wysłać dalej
send an email you have received to somebody else's computer
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remove a document, email, etc. from computer
print (out)
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produce a copy of a document, etc. on paper
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use a machine to put a document, etc. into a computer
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a wireless way of connecting computers to the internet in a public place (a cafe, a train, etc.)
wireless technology
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technologia bezprzewodowa

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