Lesson 1 (have)

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Ona ma psa.
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She has dog.
My mamy psa.
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We have dog
Ja mam psa.
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I have dog.
On miał samochód
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He had car.
Ja będę miał dom.
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I will have house
Oni mieli psa.
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They had dog.
Ja miałem samochód
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I had car
Ona będzie miała psa
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She will have dog.
On ma samochód
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He has car
Czy masz psa?
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Do you have dog?
Czy my mamy samochód?
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Do we have a car?
Czy ona ma psa?
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Does she have dog?
Czy on ma dom?
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Does he have house?
Ja nie mam psa
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I have no dog
My nie mamy domu
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We have no house
Ona nie ma samochodu
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She has no car
On nie ma psa
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He has no dog
Czy miałeś psa?
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Did you have dog?
Czy my mieliśmy samochód?
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Did we have car?
Czy on miał psa?
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Did he have dog?
Czy ona miała dom?
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Did she have house?
Ja nie miałem psa
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I had no dog
My nie mieliśmy domu
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We had no house
Ona nie miała samochodu
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She had no car
Oni nie mieli psa
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They had no dog
Czy będziesz miał samochód?
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Will you have car?
Czy my będziemy mieli psa?
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Will we have dog?
Czy ona będzie miała dom?
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Will she have house?
Czy ja będę miał samochód
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Will I have car?
Ty nie będziesz miał domu
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You will have no house
Ona nie będzie miała samochodu
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She will have no car
My nie będziemy mieli psa
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We will have no dog
Oni nie będą mieli domu
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They will have no house

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