Lekcja 57 - 28.05.2018

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What time does Monica get up?
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O której godzinie Monika wstaje?
What time does Monica have lunch?
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O której godzinie Monika je obiad?
What time does Monica tidy her room?
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O której godzinie Monica sprząta swój pokój?
What time does Monica go to bed?
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O której godznie Monica idzie spać?
I go to school every day.
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Chodzę do szkoły codziennie.
We don't watch TV in the morning.
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Nie oglądamy telewizji rano.
Do you like onions?
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Lubisz cebulę?
There isn't any chicken.
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Nie ma kurczaka.
We haven't got any sausages.
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Nie mamy żadnych kiełbasek.
Can I have some pizza, please?
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Czy mogę poprosić pizzę?

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