Lekcja 26

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1. soczysty 2. korzystny, zyskowny
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nadejście czegoś
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advent of sth
1. The advent of technology brought changes to our working environment.
osiągnąć najniższy punkt
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bottom out, reach the lowest point
stać na 25 dolarów
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stand at $25
500 setek, setek
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500 hundred, hundreds
jak konkretna liczba to bez "S". Jak ogólnie to z "S"
podczas robienia czegoś
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while doing sth
jak while to zawsze continouse
odbić się, wyzdrowieć
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rebound, recover
lecieć leciał leciał
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fly, flew, flown
żmudny, mozolny, ciężki, pracochłonny,
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needing a lot of time and effort:
a laborious task
światło dzienne
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She's been in the limelight recently, following the release of her controversial new film.
public attention and interest:
kruszyć się, rozpaść
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1. relationship, empire crumble 2. economy crumble - popaść w ruinę. 3. hope, determination crumble - osłabnąć nadzieja 4. apple crumble - szarlotka
umówić się wstępnie
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pencil in sth (e.g. a meeting)
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of no avail
without any success or any effect:
The students asked the school to help them raise the money, but to no avail.
przynosić korzyści
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to help or be useful to someone or something
Our efforts availed us nothing (= did not help).
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able to burn easily:
Wood and coal are both combustible substances.
1. zmodyfikować, przerobić 2. przerabiać (ubranie)
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to change something, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of something to change:
1. We've had to alter some of our plans. 2. Although the cost of making phone calls is going up, the charge for connecting to the internet will not alter.
przebierać się, maskować
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disguised as a priest
mierzyć x2
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measure, gauge
spowodować coś PV
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bring about sth
He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
to cause something to happen:
usunąć, pozbyć się
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wipe out
to destroy something completely:
Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting.
zakończyć działalność
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wind up
wound | wound to close a business or organization: to stop operating permanently
Lawyers were called in to wind up the company
1. chwiać (się), zataczać (się) 2. balansować (na krawędzi, granicy)
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The company teetered on the brink of collapse
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adresat listu
wynajmować komuś mieszkanie
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to let a flat to sb
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a part of something, especially a large part:
a chunk of text a substantial chunk of our profits a chunk of cheese/meat pineapple/tuna chunks
przytoczyć przykład x3
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instance, exemplify, illustrate
to give something as an example: Synonyms exemplifyillustrate
She argued the need for legal reform and instanced several recent cases with grossly unfair verdicts.
rzucający się w oczy
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very noticeable or attracting attention, often in a way that is not wanted:
1. In China, her blonde hair was conspicuous. 2. He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.
nieuczciwie osiągnięte zyski
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ill gotten gains
dishonestly obtained:
He deposited his ill-gotten gains in foreign bank accounts.
przeszkadzać, narażać na szwank
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hinder, jeopardise
odkładać, przekładać
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put off
The meeting has been put off for a week. [+ -ing verb ] I can't put off going to the dentist any longer.
przyczyna, która jest źródłem problemu, podłoże problemu
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underlying reason/cause
solidny, rzetelny
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1. good condition 2. financially strong and likely to succeed:
1. It's an old building but it's still structurally sound. 2. Considering his age, his body is surprisingly sound. 3. Although the company's share price has declined, its business remains basically sound.
braki związane z bezpieczeństwem
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deficiencies related to the safety
określić, określić, doprecyzowywać
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determine, specify
to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen:
1. The number of staff we can take on will be determined by how much money we're allowed to spend. 2. Your health is determined in part by what you eat.
odstępstwo (np. od normy, od tradycji)
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a difference from what is usual or expected:
The letter cited 'significant deviations from current good manufacturing practice'.
zastosować, wdrożyć
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apply, implement
wykreślić firmę, zakończyć działalność
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strike off a company
1. błąd, pomyłka 2. wygaśnięcie (np. praw, ważności) 3. obniżyć się, ulegać zapomnieniu, pójść w zapomnienie
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1. lapse in security niedociągnięcia w ochronie 2. insurance lapse wygaśnięcie ubezpieczenia 3. lapse memory dziury w pamięci
współudział z przestępcami
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complicity with criminals
involvement in a crime or some activity that is wrong:
She is suspected of complicity in the fraud.
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diary, calendar
przestrzegać zasad
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adhere to rules
zgasić ogień PV
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put out the fire
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1. We may not have enough money to implement our plan. 2 We must implement some new rules to keep the order.
przymykać na coś oko (udawać, że się czegoś nie widzi lub że się o czymś nie wie)
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turn a blind eye to sth
to pretend not to notice a problem
warunek wstępny x2
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prerequisite, precondition
something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen:
1 Passing a written test is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course. 2 Public support is a prerequisite for/to the success of this project.
pozbawić kogoś czegoś
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deprive sb of sth
zubożały obszar, dziecko z ubogiej rodziny
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deprived area, deprived child
wycieńczać, osłabiać, pozbawiać sił (kogoś)
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to make someone or something physically weak:
Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.
iść za czyimś przykładem
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follow suit
1. zdany na własne siły 2. opuszczony, pozostawiony, unieruchomiony
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be stranded, leave sb stranded
1. szwindel, przekręt 2. fałszować (rachunki, dochody)
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He fiddled his tax return.
ingerować w coś, manipulować przy czymś, wtrącać się do czegoś, majstrować przy czymś
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tamper with sth
Don't tamper with this. It is none of your business.

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