L7 job hunting & unusual CV mistakes

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a job offer
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oferta pracy
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expect from someone
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oczekiwać od kogoś
a recruiter
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osoba rekrutująca
an employer
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a candidate
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a recruitment agency
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agencja rekrutacyjna
a buzzword
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modne słowo
a salary
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a survey
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badanie, ankieta
salary requirements
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wymagania dotyczące wynagrodzenia
editibale format/non-editable format
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format edytowalny/format nieedytowalny
beat the system
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pokonać system
It can damage your chances of getting a job
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Może to zaszkodzić twoim szansom na znalezienie pracy
set up a new email adress
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załóż nowy adres e-mail
qualities of a candidate
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cechy kandydata
common knowledge
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powszechna wiedza
form a first impression
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zrobić pierwsze wrażenie
reliable person
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wiarygodna osoba
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do a survey
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zrobić ankietę
edit your CV
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edytuj swoje CV
make a decision
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podjąć decyzję
pension plan
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plan emerytalny
opportunities for promotion
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szanse na awans
task variety
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różnorodność zadań
a gap in a CV
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luka w CV
an entry-level job
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praca na poziomie podstawowym
a prospective employer
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potencjalny pracodawca
freelance work
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praca na własny rachunek
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apply for a job
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ubiegać się o pracę

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