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zmywac naczynia
start learning
wash the dishes
ubierac sie
start learning
get dressed
szykowac sie do szkoly
start learning
get ready for school
start learning
get up
jechac do szkoly (autpbusem)
start learning
go to school by (bus)
jesc sniadanie
start learning
have breakfast
brac prysznic
start learning
take a shower
nakrywac do stolu
start learning
lay the table
ladowac zmywartke
start learning
load the dishwasher
opiekowac sie kims
start learning
look after sb
scielic lozko
start learning
make your bed
opiekowac sie zwoerzetami domowymi
start learning
take care of pets
wynosic smieci
start learning
take out the rubbish
porządkowac biurko
start learning
tidy the desk
budzic sie
start learning
wake up
wyprowadzac psa
start learning
walk the dog
myc samochod
start learning
wash the car
planowac zycie towarzyskie
start learning
arrange a social life
interesować się czymś
start learning
be interested in something
lubic cos
start learning
be keen on sth
porabiac cos
start learning
be up to sth
czatowac na FB
start learning
chat on FB
uprawiać sport
start learning
do sport
pracowac jako wolontariusz
start learning
do voluntary work
dobrze sie bawic
start learning
have fun
start learning
usc na spacer
start learning
go for a walk
start learning
go out
spedzac czas w internecie
start learning
spend time online
isc do kina
start learning
go to the cinema
spedzac z kims czas
start learning
hang out with sb
byc w kontakcie z kims
start learning
keep in touch with sb
grac w gry planszowe/ szachy
start learning
play board games / chess
udostepnic zdjecia
start learning
share photos
start learning
serwis spolecznosciowy
start learning
social networking site
spotykac sie
start learning
socialise with
spedzac czas na powietrzu
start learning
spend time outdoors

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