Ketrin 1st April (60 min)

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to meet, find, or discover someone or something by chance
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to come across sth
I came across an old diary in her desk.
April 1st, a day when people play tricks on each other
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April Fool's Day
this film is ... Watching
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this film is WORTH watching
to admit or accept that something is true or that a situation exists
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to acknowledge sth
The family acknowledge the need for change.
a dark underground prison, especially under a castle, that was used in the past
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to R... an agreement
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to REACH an agreement
It is easier for two parties to reach agreement than for three.
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At his wife’s funeral, he vowed revenge against her killer.
in revenge for something
a medium-sized whale
tooth growing out from its mouth
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a large sea mammal that has a long sharp tusk
any of the thread-like parts that form plant or artificial material and can be made into cloth
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having no value in money
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This painting is worthless.
with no problem
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with no hassle

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