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Toda a família saiu
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The whole family went out
Os melhores amigos do meu irmão
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My brother's best friends
Adormeceu depois de dois copos de vinho
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She fell asleep after two glasses of wine
Ficamos no restaurante por quase três horas
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We stayed in the restaurant for almost three hours
Eu não cheguei em casa até 01:00
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I didn't get home till 1:00 a.m
Havia quinze de nós
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There were fifteen of us
Sentei-me ao lado da minha avó
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I sat next to my grandmother
eu diria
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I'd say
Ele é realmente um bom "ouvinte"
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He's a really good “LISTENER”
Nós "combinamos" de nos encontrar
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We "ARRANGED" to meet
Ele chegou
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A última vez que o "vi"
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Last time I “saw” him
Tínhamos cinco anos
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We were five years old
Nós "fomos" para a mesma escola
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We “went” to the same school
Não foi possível iniciá-lo novamente
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Couldn't start it again
Não puderam liga-lo novamente
Eles gritaram"
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They “shouted”
ninguém "os ouviu"
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no one “heard” them
"De repente", algo "mudou"
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“Suddenly”, something “moved”
De repente, algo se movel
Eles pensaram"
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They “thought”
Eles perceberam
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They realized
Tubarão cinzento
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Gray shark
Começou a bater
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It started knocking
O barco balançava de um lado para o outro
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The boat rocked from side to side
Eles quase caíram
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They nearly fell
Eles estavam aterrorizados
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They were terrified
O pai de Grant tentou empurrar o tubarão para longe
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Grant's father tried to push the shark away
segurou ele e seu irmão
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held him and his brother
Eventualmente, as pessoas em um barco de pesca os ouviram e os levaram para casa
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Eventually, people in a fishing boat heard them and took them home
O pai de Grant se tornou um herói local
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Grant's father became a local hero
pegou o tubarão
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caught the shark
Praça principal
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main square
tirou fotos dele
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took pictures of it
ele reviveu
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he relived
"Que tal" uma pizza?
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“How about” a pizza?
Eu era muito arrumado
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I was very neat
Bastante atraente
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Rather attractive
Mas ela passou a se atrasar mais e mais
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But she got later and later
No final de Agosto
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At the end of August
sem surpresa
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mesmo para Patricia.
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even for Patricia.
a música tocava alto no fundo
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music was playing loudly in the background
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Eu coloco
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I put
Enviei para ela com uma nota dizendo
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I mailed it to her with a note saying
Eu recebi um cartão postal
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I got a postcard
Nós dois
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We both
Nós ambas
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Nós descobrimos
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We discovered
de um para o outro
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from each other
Eu me senti muito nervoso
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I felt really nervous
eu sou tímido
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I'm shy
Nós dois moramos no exterior
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We both lived abroad
Tinhamos pais que se divorciaram
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Had parents who got divorced
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found out
pegou o elevador
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took the elevator
tendo um caso
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having an affair
ela não o deixou
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she didn’t leave him
ser infeliz
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to be unhappily
estacionado do lado de fora
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parked outside
decidiu se vingar
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decided to get her revenge
Ela rapidamente
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She quickly
coloque uma lata de tinta
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put a can of paint
ela derramou tinta branca grossa
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she poured thick white paint
do porão
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from the basement
silenciosamente colocou uma garrafa de vinho
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quietly placed a bottle of wine
ela pegou uma tesoura
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she took a pair of scissors
cortar os braços e pernas de todos os seus ternos
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cut off the arms and legs of all his suits
lidar, se dar bem, conviver
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get a long
Temos invernos longos e frios
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We have long, cold winters
Verões curtos e quentes.
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Short, hot summers.
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Fica perto de um lago
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It’s near a lake
Eu vou velejar
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I go sailing
Eu freqüentemente jogo hóquei no gelo
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I often play ice hockey
Eu vou patinar no gelo
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I go ice-skating
molhado e cinza
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wet and gray
Não posso dirigir, mas quero fazer aulas de direção em breve.
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I can’t drive a car, but I want to take driving lessons soon.
Bem, há muitas coisas que não posso fazer
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Well, there are a lot of things I can’t do
e muitas vezes vamos ao México para visitar sua família
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and we often go to Mexico to visit her Family
Amigável e extrovertido
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Friendly and outgoing
fisicamente ela era meu tipo
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physically she was my type
ela era bastante magra
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she was rather slim
Nós rimos muito
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we laughed a lot
Claire era muito faladora
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Claire was very talkative
ela falou o tempo todo
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she talked all the time
eu apenas ouvi
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i just listened
ela não estava muito interessada em mim
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she wasn't very interested in me
No final da noite
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At the end of the evening
eu poderia ter como amigo
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i could have as a friend
por conta própria
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on her own
ela esteve cega a vida toda
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she’s been blind all her life
Os pais de Victor não queriam
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Victor’s parents didn’t want
e começou a organização
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and started the organization
Ajudei muitas crianças cegas
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I’ve helped a lot of blind children
ela ri
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she laughs
como ela vai encontrar tempo?
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how will she find the time?
Mary explica
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Mary explains

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