hosehold chores

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to do the ironing
robić pranie
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to do the washing
wyrzucać śmieć
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throw out the rubbish
ścierać kurze
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odłóż swoje ubrania
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put away your clothes
karmić zwierzęta domowe
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feed pets
zamiatać podłogę
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sweep the floor
podlej rośliny
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water the plants
odkurzać podłogę / dywan
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vacuum the floor / carpet
ścielić łóżko
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make the bed
Posprzątaj pokój
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clean the room
ugotować posiłek
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cook a meal
wyprowadzać psa na spacer
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walk the dog
zmywać naczynia
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wash the dishes
rozpalić ognisko
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light a fire
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tidy up
prać, myć
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podlej rośliny
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water the plants

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