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przyznawac sie
start learning
admit to sth
start learning
approve of sb/sth
spowodowac cos
start learning
be responsible for sth
obwiniac kogos
start learning
blame sb for sth
znalezc np rozwiazanie
start learning
come up with sth
przejmowac kontrole
start learning
take control
start learning
deter sb from doing sth
poklocic sie
start learning
fall out with
wybaczyc komus
start learning
forgive sb for sth
uchodzic komus na sucho
start learning
get away with sth/ doing sth
zabierac sie do czegos
start learning
ger round to sth/doing sth
spelniac oczekiwania
start learning
live up to sth
przyznawac sie
start learning
own up to sth
start learning
start learning
przypisywac cos czemus
start learning
put sth down to sth
zwalniac kogos
start learning
release sb
start learning
rob sb sth
skazywac na cos
start learning
sentence sb to sth
brac cos kogos pod uwage
start learning
take account of sb sth
taraktowac jednostkowo
start learning
treat sb as an individual

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