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Il ne prend pas de photo.
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He doesn't take any picture.
Certeines personnes pensent que je suis une femme.
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Some people think I'm a woman.
A quoi ca sert?
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What's the point?
Le telephone ca sert a appeler.
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The phone is for calling.
Une tasse ca sert a boire
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A cup is for drinking
La cage est vide
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The cage is empty
Courons vite
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Let's run fast
De rien. / Il n'y a pas de quoi.
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It was nothing. / You're welcome.
Il est quelle heure?
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What time is it?
Ou sont les toilettes?
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Where are the toilets?
C'est vrai?
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It is true?
Je ne comprends pas.
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I don't understand.

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