February 27 100%

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musiałam nadrobić zaległości w pracy
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I had to catch up at work
Ona przeklina
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She swears
Gwałtowny wzrost populacji
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Rapid population growth
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wydobywanie naturalnych zasobów
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extraction of natural resources
wycinanie drzew
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cut down trees
Niszczenie flory i fauny
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Destruction of flora and fauna
powoduję suszę
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I cause drought
susze na świecie
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droughts in the world
Oczyszczam powietrze
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I purify the air
Tworzę kataklizmy
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I create disasters
Ubóstwo w krajach trzeciego świata
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Poverty in third world countries
Nasze przyszłe pokolenia
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Our future generations
Teoria spiskowa
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Conspiracy theory

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