Fausta 22nd March

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Jak się masz?
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How are you doing? / How is it going? / How have you been? / What's new?
Jak wysoka ona jest? / Ile ona ma wzrostu?
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How tall is she? / What's her height?
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Ile ważysz?
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What's your weight? / How much do you weigh?
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to weigh - weighed - weighed
Ile waży Twoja siostra?
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How much does your sister weigh?
Kiedy się urodziłeś?
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When were you born?
Dlaczego byłeś głodny?
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Why were you hungry?
trzeciego września
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on THE 3rd of Sep
Gdzie pracujesz?
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Where do you work?
Czym się zajmujesz? / Jaką masz pracę?
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What do you do (for a living)? / What's your job?
Jestem studentem/uczniem.
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I'm a student.
szkoła podstawowa
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a primary school
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secondary school / middle school
liceum / szkoła średnia
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high school
W której klasie jesteś?
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What year are you in? / What grade are you in?
Jestem w szóstej klasie.
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I'm in year 6. / I'm in the 6th grade.
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a preschool
Czy jesteś żonaty?/zamężna?
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Are you married?
wziąć ślub
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to marry / to get married
Oni pobrali się dwa lata temu.
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They got married two years ago.
Gdzie wzięliście ślub?
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Where did you get married?
Jestem rozwiedziony(a).
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I'm divorced.
rozwieźć się
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to get a divorce
kilka lat temu
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a few years ago
Jestem zaręczony.
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I'm engaged.
pierścionek zaręczynowy
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an engagement ring
bądź ze mną szczery
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be honest with me
Do zobaczenia za kilka dni.
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See you in a few days.

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