Fausta 15th Nov (30 min)

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kasza ziemniaczana
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potato mash
Co jest na śniadanie?
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What's for breakfast?
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to fry
smażone jajka
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fried eggs
gotowane jajka
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boiled eggs
to zależy
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it depends
Piję tylko zieloną herbatę.
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I drink only green tea.
Jaki to czas?
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What tense is it? (the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Past Simple)
Czy piłaś kawę wczoraj?
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Did you drink coffee yesterday?
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a brother
brat cioteczny / siostra cioteczna
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a cousin
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a bit
Nie mówię biegle po rosyjsku.
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I'm not fluent in Russian.
Czy mówisz po rosyjsku?
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Do you speak Russian?
jeszcze nie
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not yet
Czy jesteś w dobrym humorze?
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Are you in a good mood?

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