famous entrepreneurs

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od zera
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from scratch
duchowe oświecenie
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spirital enlightenment
przybrani rodzice
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foster parents
dotrzymywać kroku
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keep up with
porzucić szkołę
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drop out of school
firma była założona przez biła gatsa
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the company was founded by beat gats
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go bunkrupt
osiągnął zysk
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turned a profit
rozwinąć w
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expand into
wejsc na giełdę
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go public
giełda papierów wartościowych
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Stock Exchange
to - - tamto, te - - te
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this - - that, those - - these
wszyscy chcą mnie zatrudnić
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everyone wants to hire me
przybrani rodzice rodzice zastepczy
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foster parents
sprzyjać, brać na wychowanie
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wprowadzać coś na rynek
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bogaty, zamożny
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rich, wealthy
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dom starców
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Nursing Home, retirement home, residential house
dużo czasu, wiele razy
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much time, many time

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