Dumpster food

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kontener na śmieci
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a dumpster
skrzynia ze skarbami
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a treasure chest
Znalazłem bardzo dużo jedzenia.
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I found massive amounts of food.
sklep spożywczy
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a grocery shop
wyrzucać coś
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to throw sth out
marnotrawstwo żywności / wyrzucone jedzenie
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food waste
Moja mama umie bardzo dobrze gotować.
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My mum knows how to cook really well.
myć trzy razy
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to triple wash
bardzo dokładnie wyszorowany / umyty / wyczyszczony
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scrubbed clean
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an infection
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You don't want any bacterial infections.
zatrucie pokarmowe
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food poisoning
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supportive of sb
My mum is very supportive of me.
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to consume
przekazywać na cele dobroczynne
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to donate sth to (the local food shelters)
bank żywności
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a food shelter
organizacja dobroczynna
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a charity
marnować coś
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to waste sth
40% of the food that's produced in the US ends up wasted.
przemyśleć ponownie
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to rethink

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