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5 cl Earl Grey Gin, 3cl Zitronensaft, 2cl Simple Syrup, 2cl Riesling Wachau, 1,5cl Milch
Grapester Fizz
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5cl Skyy Vodka, 1 Barlöffel Oleo Sacchareum 3cl Zitronensaft 1,5cl Simple Sirup fill Grapester Fizz
Cucumber Ice Tea
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5cl Bickens Gin Earl Grey Infusion 3cl Limettensaft 1cl Zuckersirup 1cl Falernum 3 Scheiben Gurken- mit shaken fill Tonic
Giggle Water
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5cl Appleton Rum signature blend 1cl Fermentierter Limettensaft 1cl Fermentierter Zitronensaft 3cl Roiboos- Karamellsirup
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6cl Balvenie 12y. 1cl Schlüsselblumensirup 3 dh Kakao Bitters 3 dh Schoko Bitters
Sugar - Water - Spirit
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3cl Wild Turkey Bourbon 3cl Appleton Signature Rum 2 dh Schoko Bitters 2 dh Grapefruit Bitters 2 dash Schokoladen Bitters
Oyster Gimlet
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5cl Sipsmith Gin 5cl Lime Cordial 1cl Chardonnay Saft einer Auster 1cl Honiglikör fill Soda
House of Bitters
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3cl House Bitters Mix 2cl Angostura Bitters 3cl Limettensaft 2cl Simple Sirup fill Soda
Wald & Wiese
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5cl Bickens Gin 3cl Zitronensaft 2cl Schlüsselblumensirup ein Eiweiß der Menge von einem frischem Ei 1 dash Kräuter Bitters
Dead Rabbit
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5cl Espolon Tequila Reposado 5cl Karottensaft 3cl Limettensaft 2 Esslöfffel Orangenmarmelade 1BL Ingwersaft
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6cl Glenfiddich 12y. 3cl Coffee Cold Drip Liqueur 2cl White Port 1cl Simple Sirup
Mr. H
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6cl Hennessy vsop Cognac 1BL Madeira 5y. 1cl Demerarazucker 2 dh Kakao Bitters Deko 3cl Chianti on top floaten
Jerry Thomas Manhattan
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3cl Wild Turkey Rye 1.5cl Grand Manier 1.5cl Roter Wermut 3 dh Angostura Bitters
One World
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5cl Laphroaig single malt 10y. 1cl Sake 1cl Ancho Reyes Chili 1.5cl Vanille - Tonka Sirup 2cl Italicus Je 2 dash Grapefruit,- Schokoladen,- Kräuter Bitters
Negroni Numero Dieci
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3cl Appleton Rum 12y. 3cl Cinzano 1775 Rot 3cl Campari 0.5cl Cynar 0.5cl Grand Manier Louis Alexandre

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