Double date

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Wysoki Sądzie
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Your Honour
być oskarżonym o coś
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to be charged with sth
You were charged with going through the red light.
Zgadza się.
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That's correct.
bardzo dobrze coś pamiętać
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to remember sth vividly
skręcić w prawo
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to turn right
skręcić w lewo
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to turn left
w nocy
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at night
jechać do szpitala
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to go to (the) hospital
odwiedzić kogoś
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to visit sb
wyjść coś zjeść
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to be / go out to eat
podwójna randka
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a double date
reakcja alergiczna
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an allergic reaction
silna reakcja alergiczna na coś
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a severe allergic reaction TO sth
mieć alergię na coś
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to have an allergy TO sth
orzeszki ziemne
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He was unknowingly served nuts.
podać komuś jedzenie
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to serve sth
He was unknowingly served nuts.
zadzwonić po karetkę
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to call an ambulance
być w szoku
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to be in a shock
I was in a little bit of shock.
brać odpowiedzialność
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to take responsibility
skręcić w prawo bez zatrzymywania się
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to turn right without stopping
na pewno
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for sure
przyznać się do winy
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to plead guilty
spojrzeć na coś
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to take a look at sth
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a sign
w tych okolicznościach
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under those circumstances
zawieźć kogoś do szpitala
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to drive sb to the hospital
kochany / osoba, którą kochamy
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a loved one
sprawa w sądzie
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a case
o oddalić sprawę w sądzie
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to dismiss a (court) case
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an emergency room
pojechać na pogotowie
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to go to the emergency room
być w niebezpieczeństwie
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to be in distress
zostać narażonym na niebezpieczeństwo
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to be placed in danger
dostać wypis ze szpitala
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to be discharged (from the hospital)
He was discharged 24 hours later.
spełnić dobry uczynek
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to perform a good deed / to do a good deed

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