Dominik 1st April (45 min)

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Spotykamy się na Starym Mieście. (plan)
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We are meeting in the Old Town. (plan)
Być może zjemy na mieście.
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We might eat out.
Zróbmy grilla / grilla.
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Let's have a barbecue /a BBQ.
W weekend zrobiliśmy grilla.
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On the weekend we had a barbecue.
iiść na spacer
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to have a walk / to go for a walk
Let's have a walk. / Let's go for a walk.
zrobić piknik
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to have a picnic
Myślę, że on jest na wakacjach.
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I think he's on holiday.
do NOT say: on the holiday
Pojedźmy na wakacje do Włoch.
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Let's go ON holiday TO Italy.
Witamy naLitwie.
do NOT say: Welcome + IN
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Welcome TO Lithuania.
Welcome + TO + place
Fajnie było?
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Was it FUN?
To było tanie.
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It was cheap.
Chodźmy na przejażdżkę rowerową.
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Let's go FOR a bike ride.
Jak poszło?
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How DID it go?
Powiedz mi prawdę
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tell me THE truth
Szczerze mówiąc, nie chcę dziś jeść poza domem.
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To be honest, I don't want to eat out today.
Nie wiem
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I don't know / IDK
(jestem) w drodze
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on my way / OMW
Jestem w drodze.
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I'm on my way
We are on OUR way.
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to arrive
szacować / określić w przybliżeniu
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to estimate
Dasz radę.
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You've got this.
Nie dam rady dzisiaj.
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I won't make it today.
Dam radę.
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I've got this.
Co robisz w ten weekend?
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What are you up to this weekend?
Czy w dalszym ciągu masz ochotę pójść do kina dzisiaj wieczorem?
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Are you still up for going to the cinema this evening?
Are you still up for buying this car?
Musisz to zrobić./ Musisz to zrobić.
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You've got to do this./ You have to do this.
Co robisz dziś wieczorem? / Jakie masz plany na dzisiejszy wieczór?
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What are you up to tonight?
Nadal masz ochotę spotkać się w sobotę?
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Are you still up for catching up on Saturday?
Nie zrobię tego dzisiaj.
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I won't do it today.
Prima Aprilis
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April Fool's Day / April Fools' Day
1 April, the day when people in many countries play tricks or jokes on each other. The victim of the joke is called the April Fool.

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