dla Krzysztofa

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stolik z mozaiką
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a table with a mosaic
donica z paprocią
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a pot with a fern
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flower pot
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konewka do podlewania
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watering can
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a watering can
czerwona konewka
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red watering can
gry plaszowe
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beach games
kufel do piwa
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beer mug
ceramiczny kufel do piwa
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ceramic beer mug
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a shelf
oczyszcza z powietrza
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cleans the air
dębowe krzesło
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oak chair
lampa stojąca
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floor lamp
dzbanek do ikebany
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ikebana jug
konsola do gier
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games console
przedłużacz / złodziejka
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extension cord / thief
ratanowy kwietnik
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rattan flower stand
tęsknię za tobą
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I miss you
szafka na kamienie
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stone cabinet
szafka w kształcie piramidy
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pyramid-shaped cabinet

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