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czy chciałbyś dziś wieczorem pójść do kina?
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would you like to go to the Cinema tonight
Tak, chciałbym! jaki film obejrzymy
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Yes, i'd love to! which film shall we watch
czy obejrzymy film New Avengers?
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shall we watch the New avengers film
Ok świetnie
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Ok great
mam kupić trochę popcornu?
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shall I buy some popcorn
kupić popcorn?
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shall i buy some popcorn?
nie, nie jest bardzo drogi
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no, is't very expensive
chciałbyś też coś do picia?
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would you like something to drink as well?
Tak trochę wody proszę!
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Yes some water plaease
chciałbyś jeszcze czy musujące?
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would you like still or sparkling
nadal proszę!
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stll plaease

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