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sprzatac pokoj
start learning
clean up room
odrabiac lekcje
start learning
start learning
robic zakupy
start learning
do shopping
robic pranie
start learning
do the laundry
zmywac naczynia
start learning
wash the dishes
start learning
get up
ubrac sie
start learning
get dressed August
jechac do szkoly
start learning
go to school
umyc sie
start learning
wash oneself
nakrywac do stołu
start learning
set the table
scielic lozko
start learning
make a bed
opiekowac sie zwierzatkami domowymi
start learning
look after pets
wyrzucac do smieci
start learning
put into garbage
porzadkowac biurko
start learning
Organize your desk
budzic sie
start learning
wake up
wyprowadzic psa
start learning
walk the dog
myc samochod
start learning
Wash the car

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