Czasowniki zlozone i zwroty

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bac sie czegos
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be afraid of sth
byc zlym na kogos
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be angry with sb
smiertelnie sie nudzic
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be bored to death
lubic cos
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be fond of sth
byc dobrym/kiepskim w czyms
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be good/bad at sth
interesowac sie czyms
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be keen on sth
byc beznadziejnym, do niczego w czyms
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be useless at sth
martwic sie czyms
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be worried about sth
nalezec do
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belong to
obgryzac sobie paznokcie
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bite (your) nails
mrugac oczami
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blink your eyes
zmienic zdanie
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change your mind
skrzyzowac ramiona
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cross your arms
przebrac sie za cos
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dress up as sth
ulubiona rozrywka
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favorite pastime
wypelnic formularz
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fill in a form
pilka nozna
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start learning
ukrywac swoje uczucia
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hide your feelings
nie okazywac uczuc
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keep your feelings inside
zdrowie psychiczne
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mental health
kazac komus cos zrobic
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order sb to dosth
bulka z maslem, latwizna
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it is a piece of cake
wprawic kogos w dobry/zly nastroj
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put sb in a good/bad mood
poczucie humoru
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sense of humour
bezdomne zwierze
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stray animal
stukac, pukac palcami
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tap your fingers

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