czasowniki nieregularne past simple

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Question English Answer English
give (dawać)
start learning
gave (past simple)
take (wziąć)
start learning
took (past simple)
drink (pić)
start learning
drank (past simple)
get (dostać)
start learning
got (p.s)
have (mieć)
start learning
had (p.s)
leave (wyjść/opuścić/zostawić)
start learning
left (p.s)
meet (spotkać)
start learning
met (p.s)
put (położyć)
start learning
read (czytać)
start learning
spend (spędzać)
start learning
spent (p.s)
swim (pływać)
start learning
swam (p.s)
go (iść)
start learning
went (p.s)

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