Compras y Servicios - Shopping and Services

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el horario de atención al público
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public opening times
el módulo de información
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customer module
los artículos / los productos / las mercancías
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los productos de marca
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branded goods
la mercancía
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envasado al vacío
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vacuum packed
el envase retornable
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returnable container
el envase no retornable
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non-returnable container
envolver para regalo
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to gift wrap
ser costoso
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to be costly
costar un ojo de la cara
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to cost an arm and a leg
venderse como churros
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to sell like hot cakes
comprar a ciegas
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to buy blindly / to buy without having a look at something
comprar al por mayor
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to buy things wholesale
comprar al por menor / comprar al detalle
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to retail
la liquidación
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stock clearance
la fecha de caducidad
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date of expiry
la escalera mecánica
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hacer una reclamación
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to lodge a complaint
la tienda bien surtida
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well-stocked store
la vitrina frigorífica
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refrigerated showcase
la vitrina frigorífica
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chiller cabinet
la caja registradora
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el código de barras
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el puesto
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to haggle
el carrito
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el maniquí
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los probadores
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fitting rooms
la tienda de electrodomésticos
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electrical appliances shop
la tienda de electrodomésticos
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home appliances shop
la ferretería
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hardware shop / iron monger's
el martillo neumático
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pneumatic drill / jackhammer
la papelería
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los artículos de papelería
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la charcutería
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la marroquinería
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leather goods shop
la óptica
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la pastelería
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estar agotado
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to be sold out
la demanda
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en stock
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in stock
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recibir un reembolso
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to receive a refund
algo merece la pena
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worth its price
en oferta especial
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on special offer
dos por el precio de uno
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two for the price of one
el precio al por mayor
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wholesale price
el precio al consumidor / el precio de venta al público
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retail price
el timo
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cobrar algo
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to charge for something
recortar gastos
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to cut back on something
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to splash out on something
echar un vistazo
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to browse
la publicidad en la tapa
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el tubo
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