Collocations Have

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have a bath
I need to have a bath.
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darse un baño
Necesito darme un baño.
have a drink
Would you like having a drink?
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tomar una bebida
¿Te gustaría tomar una bebida?
have a good time
We are having a good time.
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pasar un buen rato
Estamos pasando un buen rato.
have a holiday
I need to have a holiday.
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tomarse unas vacaciones
Necesito tomarme unas vacaciones.
have a problem
I had a problem with the receptionist.
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tener un problema
Tuve un problema con el recepcionista.
have a relationship
I've never had a relationship.
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tener una relación
Nunca he tenido una relación.
have a rest
You have worked very much, have a rest!
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tomarse un descanso
Has trabajado mucho, tómate un descanso!
have a hangover
I was drinking last night and I have a hangover.
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tener resaca
Estuve bebiendo anoche y tengo resaca.
have lunch
Should we have lunch before the meeting?
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¿Deberíamos nosotros almorzar antes de la reunión?

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