Brainy t unit 4 Narodowości

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1. Kraje
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1. Countries (kantris)
2. Argentyna
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2. Argentina (ardżentina)
3. Anglia
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3. England (ingland)
4. Francja
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4. France (frans)
5. Niemcy
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5. Germany (dżermany)
7. Włochy
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7. Italy (itali)
8. Polska
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8. Poland (połlend)
9 Hiszpania
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9 Spain (spejn)
10. Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki
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10. the United States of America (di junajtid stejts of amerika)
11. Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej
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11. the United Kingdom of Great Britain(di junajted kingdom of grejt briten)
12 Waluta
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12 Currency
13 pens (tak jak u nas grosz)
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13 pence (pens)-p
14. funt (tak jak u nas złoty)
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14. pound (paund)-

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