Asking and giving instructions - Jautājot un prasot norādījumus

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What's the best way to prepare it?
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Kāds ir labākais veids, lai to pagatavotu?
After that, you must wait for the cake to cool.
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Pēc tam, tev jāgaida, kamēr kūka atdziest.
You're going to use sugar, butter, flour, eggs and milk.
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Tev būs jāizmanto cukuru, sviestu, miltus, olas un pienu.
Then, you must add the butter.
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Tad tev noteikti jāpievieno sviests.
Next, add the eggs.
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Pēc tam pievieno olas.
When you finish that, bake the mixture.
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Kad tu to pabeidz, sacep maisījumu.
That's how a cake is made.
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Tā tiek pagatavota kūka.
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