Arnold 9th Nov (40 min)

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Patrzę na ciebie.
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I'm looking at you.
O której godzinie wstajesz codziennie?
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What time DO you get up every day?
O której wczoraj wstałeś?
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What time did you get up yesterday?
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zwykle / zazwyczaj
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Ile pieniędzy?
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How much money?
Ile pieniędzy zapłaciłeś za ten samochód?
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How much money did you pay for this car?
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to pay - paid - paid
zwykle / zazwyczaj
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Zwykle wstaję o 7:00.
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I usually get up at 7.
Ona zrobiła trzy błędy wczoraj.
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She MADE three mistakes yesterday.
Dziecko zjadło wczoraj dwa jabłka.
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A child / A kid ate two apples yesterday.

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