Anzelika 9th Nov

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Nie mogę narzekać.
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I can't complain.
to complain + about + sth /sb
Ludzie często narzekają na pogodę.
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People often complain about the weather.
Po staremu. / Be zmian.
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Same old.
Przestań narzekać.
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Stop complaining.
Przestań palić.
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Stop smoking.
Przestań pić.
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Stop drinking.
Przestań krzyczeć.
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Stop shouting.
Przestań krzyczeć na mnie.
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Stop shouting AT me.
Przestań krzyczeć na swoje dzieci.
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Stop shouting at your children.
nasze dzieci
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our children
twoje / ich dzieci
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your children
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a child
W zeszłym tygodniu ona rzuciła pracę.
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She quit her job last week.
to quit (a job / smoking) - quit - quit
Chcę rzucić palenie.
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I want to quit smoking.
czegoś brakuje
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something is missing
Ona chce rzucić pracę.
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She wantS to quit her job.
O której godzinie dzisiaj wstałeś?
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What time did you get up today?
Poszedłem spać o 11.
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I went TO sleep at 11.
W zeszłym tygodniu pojechałem do Polski.
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I went to Poland last week.
płątki owsiane
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I ate oats for breakfast.
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o około ósmej
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at around 8 / at about 8
Co zjadłeś wczoraj na obiad?
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What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
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w zeszłym roku
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last year
w zeszłym miesiącu
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last month
w zeszły weekend
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last weekend
Poszłyśmy z córką do parku wczoraj.
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My daughter and I went to the park yesterday.
W miniony weekend poszłam z moimi przyjaciółmi do kina.
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Last weekend my friends and I went to the cinema.
rodzimy użytkownik języka
All our teachers are native speakers of English.
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a native speaker
I know I'll never speak French like a native speaker.
najczęstsze słowa
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the most frequent words
Lubię robić biżuterię.
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I like making jewellery.
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biżuteria z koralików
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bead jewellery / beaded jewellery
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a ring
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a neck
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a necklace
Czy sprzedajesz swoje naszyjniki?
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Do you sell your necklaces?
W moim wolnym czasie ja...
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In my free time I...
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to get started / to start
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Let's get started. / Let's start.
to hobby
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this hobby
THESE hobby
ta książka
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this book
te książki
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these books
to pytanie
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this question
te pytania
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these questions
nie komplikuj
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keep it simple
śpij dobrze
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sleep well / sleep tight

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