Anzelika 6th Nov

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the 5th of November
Która jest godzina?
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What time is it (now)?
Jaki dzień tygodnia jest dzisiaj?
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What day of the week is today?
Jaka jest dzisiaj data?
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What date is today?
mieć randkę z kimś
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to have a date with sb
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a fridge
zmywarka do naczyń
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a dishwasher
od poniedziałku do piątku
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from Monday to Friday
On wstaje o 6:30.
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He getS up at 6:30.
w tygodniu
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in the week
w weekendy
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on weekends
placki ziemniaczane
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harsh browns
placki z cukinii
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zucchini fritters
ryba z frytkami
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fish and chips
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(French) fries (US), chips (UK)
Moja mama zrobiła je.
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My mum made them.
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to fry - fried - fried
upiec ciasto
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to bake a cake
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to bake - baked - baked
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a bakery
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a baker
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a cake shop
kupić coś
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to get / to buy sth
Czy możesz kupić mleko w drodze do domu?
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Can you get some milk on your way home?
Kiedy pojechałeś na wieś?
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When did you go to the country?
Kiedy wróciłeś do Wilna?
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When did you come back to Vilnius?
dziś po południu
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this afternoon
Dziś po południu idę do kina.(plan)
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This afternoon I'm going to the cinema.
wczoraj rano
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yesterday morning
jutro rano
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tomorrow morning
O której godzinie wujechałeś z Wilna?
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What time did you leave Vilnius?
odejść / zostawić / wyjechać
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to leave - left - left
przybyć / przyjechać
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to arrive - arrived - arrived
O której godzinie przyjechałeś do Wilna?
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What time did you come to Vilnius?
O której przyjechałeś do domu?
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What time did you come home?
dotrzeć do domu
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to arrive home
O której przyjechałeś do domu?
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What time did you arrive home?
Dotarliśmy do Warszawy o północy.
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We arrived IN Warsaw at midnight.
O której przyjechałeś na lotnisko?
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What time did you arrive at the airport?
podnieść coś / zbierać coś / odebrać coś
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to pick sth up - picked up - picked up
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W sobotę musieliśmy zebrać dużo liści.
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On Saturday we had to pick many leaves up.
Czy możesz to podnieść?
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Can you pick it up, please?
odebrać kogoś ze (szkoły/pracy)
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to pick sb up from (school / work) 
Musiałem pomóc rodzicom.
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I had to help my parents.
robić zakupy
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to do the shopping
Musiałem zrobić zakupy.
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I had to do the shopping.
Muszę pozmywać naczynia.
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I have to do the dishes.
On musi pozmywać naczynia.
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He has to do the dishes.
Nie muszę tego robić
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I don't have to do it.
Nie musisz tego robić dzisiaj.
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You don't have to do it today.
Nie musiałeś kupować kwiatów.
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You didn't have to buy flowers.

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