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Question Answer
troszczyć się, dbać
start learning
care about
geniusz w
start learning
genius at
roznic sie od czegos
start learning
differ from
przepraszac za
start learning
apologise for
wierzyc w
start learning
believe in
oskarzac o cos
start learning
accuse sb of
walczyc przeciwko
start learning
fight against
kłótnia z
start learning
argument with
dostep do
start learning
access to
na podstawie czegos
start learning
based on
oceniac po
start learning
judge by
mierzyc za pomoca
start learning
measure by
powiazany z czyms
start learning
associated with
zaczynac od czegos
start learning
begin with
przemawiac do kogos podobac sie komus
start learning
appeal to
proba czegos
start learning
attempt to
gratulowac czegos
start learning
congratulate sb on
decydowac sie na cos
start learning
decide on
ostrozny uwazny
start learning
careful about
start learning
concerned about
dobry w
start learning
good at
smiac sie z kogos
start learning
laugh at someone
inny od czegos
start learning
different from
zniechecac kogos do czegos
start learning
discourage sb from
argument za
start learning
argument for
korzystny dla
start learning
beneficial for
kurs z czegos
start learning
course in
stopien naukowy w
start learning
degree in
pochwalac cos popierac cos
start learning
approve of
swiadomy czegos
start learning
aware of something
wniosek na temat
start learning
conclusion about
ciekawy czegos
start learning
curious about
watpliwosci co do czegos
start learning
doubt about something
rozentuzjazmowany czyms
start learning
enthusiastic about
mistrz w czyms
start learning
master at
krzyczec na
start learning
scream at
gapic sie na
start learning
stare at
powstrzymywac kogos od czegos
start learning
prevent sb from sth
zrezygnowac z czegos
start learning
resign from
wynikac z czegos
start learning
result from
uchronic przed czyms
start learning
save from
wycofac (sie) z
start learning
withdraw from
troszczyc sie o cos
start learning
care for sth/sb
winic za
start learning
blame for
prowadzic kampanie na rzecz
start learning
campaign for
start learning
famous for
angazowac sie w cos
start learning
Engage in something
start learning
engaged/ engrossed in
zapisywac sie(kurs)
start learning
enrol in
wzrost/ spadek czegos
start learning
increase / decrease in
swiadomy czegos
start learning
aware of something
skladac sie z czegos
start learning
consist of something
wada zaleta czegos
start learning
advantage/ disadvantage of
pozbywac sie czegos wyrzucac
start learning
dispose of
lubic cos
start learning
fond of
zalezec od kogos
start learning
depend on someone
zalezny od kogos
start learning
dependent on someone
koncentrowac sie na
start learning
focus on
wplyw na cos
start learning
influence on something
wplyw na cos
start learning
impact on something
nalegac na cos
start learning
insist on
zainteresowany czyms
start learning
keen on
opinia na
start learning
opinion on
planowac cos
start learning
plan on
podejscie stosunek do czegos
start learning
attitude to something
przyciagac do czegos pociagac
start learning
attracted to
zobowiązany do czegos
start learning
bound to
blisko czegos
start learning
close to something
oskarzac kogos o cos
start learning
charge sb with
porownywac z
start learning
compare with
dotyczyc czegos
start learning
concerned with
mylic kogos z kims
start learning
confuse sb/sth with sb/sth
laczyc z
start learning
connect with
przyznawac sie do czegos
start learning
confess to
poswiecenie sie czemus
start learning
dedication to
zdeterminowany cos zrobic
start learning
determined to
poswiecic sie czemus
start learning
devote oneself to something
wada czegos
start learning
drawback to/of
wyjasnic cos komus
start learning
explain something to someone
klucz do czegos
start learning
key to something
prowadzic do czegos
start learning
lead to
sprzeciw wobec czegos
start learning
opposition to something
przeciwny czemus
start learning
opposed to
sprzeciwiac sie czemus
start learning
object to
polecac cos komus
start learning
recommend sth to
podobny do
start learning
similar to
rozwiazanie czegos
start learning
solution to
stanowic zagrozenie dla czegos
start learning
threat to
start learning
(Un) likely to
radzic sobie z czyms
start learning
cope with something
radzic sobie z czyms
start learning
deal with
niezadowolony z
start learning
dissatisfied with
zaangazowac sie w cos
start learning
engage with
angazowac sie w cos
start learning
engage with
zaznajomiony z
start learning
familiar with the
umiejacy obchodzic sie z
start learning
good with
identyfikowac sie z
start learning
identify with
popularny wsrod
start learning
popular with
dostarczac komus czegos
start learning
provide sb with
relacja z
start learning
relationship with
spedzac czas z
start learning
socialise with
nieporozumienje pomiedzy
start learning
misunderstanding between
obrazony czyms
start learning
offended by
zszokowany czyms
start learning
shocked by
wydawac sie koms jakies
start learning
strike sb as
krok w kierunku
start learning
a step towards
otoczony przez
start learning
surrounded by
smiac sie z
start learning
laugh about
optymistyczny w sprawie czegos
start learning
optimistic about something
dobrze znac sie na czyms
start learning
knowledgeable about
wycofac sie z
start learning
withdraw from
slynny za cos
start learning
famous for something
wdzieczny za cos
start learning
grateful for
nominowany do
start learning
nominate for
powod czegos
start learning
reasons for something
zaangazowany w
start learning
Involved in
studiowac jakis kierunek
start learning
major in
doprowadzic do czegos
start learning
result in
specjalista w
start learning
specialist in
odnoszacy sukcesy w
start learning
successful in
byc dumnym z czegos
start learning
take pride in
przerazony czyms
start learning
fightened of
pozbywac sie czegos
start learning
get rid of
brak czegos
start learning
lack of
dumny z
start learning
proud of
przypominac komuc kogos
start learning
remind sb of
poczucie czegos
start learning
sense of
zmeczony czyms
start learning
tired of something
typowe dla
start learning
typical of

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