Adrian 6th March

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Zacznę od nowa.
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Let me start again.
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Jak jest wymowa tego słowa?
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What's the pronunciation of this word?
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a cousin
ich rowery
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their bikes
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Ich samochód jest tam.
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Their car is there.
Mój kuzyn mieszka na wsi.
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My cousin lives in THE countryside.
Mam alergię na orzeszki ziemne.
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I'm allergic TO peanuts.
Mój brat ma alergię na jabłka.
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My brother is allergic to apples.
Niektóre osoby są uczulone na truskawki.
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Some people are allergic to strawberries.
być uzależnionym od czegoś / sb
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to be addicted TO sth / sb
Moja mama jest uzależniona od kawy.
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My mum is addicted TO coffee.
Uwielbiam słodycze.
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I have a sweet tooth.

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