Adrian 11th Oct

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Question Answer
W piątek
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ON Friday
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Kiedy są twoje urodziny?
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When is your birthday?
W piątek pojechaliśmy do Wilna, a wróciliśmy w niedzielę.
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We went to Vilnius on Friday and we CAME back to Vilnius on Sunday.
i pojechaliśmy tam, aby świętować jego urodziny.
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and we went there to celebrate his birthday.
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Let's celebrate.
Dzwonię do ciebie, żeby zadać pytanie.
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I'm calling you to ask a question.
Wczoraj zadzwoniłem do przyjaciela.
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Yesterday I called my friend.
Zadzwoniłeś do niej w sobotę?
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Did you call her on Saturday?
zadzwoń do niego teraz
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call him now
napisać do kogoś wiadomość (sms)
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to text sb
wysłać komuś e-mail
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to email sb
Wczoraj wysłałem e-mail do mojego nauczyciela.
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Yesterday I emailed my teacher.
Wczoraj nie napisałam wiadomości do Tomka.
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I didn't text Tomek yesterday.
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to poop
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to pee
piłka nożna
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soccer / football
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to have - had - had
Czy ona ma psa?
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Does she have a dog?
Czy ona miała psa?
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Did she have a dog?
Czy ona ma żółty rower?
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Does she have a yellow bike?
Ona nie ma kota.
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She doesn't have a cat.
On nie miał dużo pieniędzy.
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He didn't have a lot of money.

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