8. Jedzenie

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jeść jak ptaszek
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eat like a bird
Although Fiona is a big girl, she eats like a bird
duzo jesc
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eat like a horse
Make ten or dozen sandwiches, because he eats like a horse
wyjeść komuś zawartość lodówki
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eat sb out of house and home
Does your aunt have to stay another week? She’s eating us out of house and home
pełny posiłek
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square meal
Remember to eat three square meals a day when you’re on holiday
Zjedź coś na szybko
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grab a bite to eat
I didn’t even have time to eat, and now I’m really hungry
oczy są większe niż brzuch
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one’s eyes are bigger than one’s stomach
I’m afraid I can’t eat all this, my eyes are bigger than my stomach
być głodnym jak niedźwiedź
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be hungry as a bear
Let’s order some steak and chips! I’m hungry as a bear
ślinka cieknie
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sb’s mouth water
When I smell fresh bred, my mouth waters straight away
palce lizać!
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real jam
Your chicken soup is real jam

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