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levanto-me a rezo
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I get up to pray
A seguir
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lavo os dentes
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I wash my teeth
Eu tomo um duche
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I take a shower
quente e rápido
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hot and fast
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I dress
Bom dia, posso entrar?
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Good morning, can I come in?
Bom dia, sim, claro!
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Good morning, yes, of course!
Bom dia, dá-me licença?
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Good morning, will you excuse me?
Bom dia, Faça o favor
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Good morning, please
Bom dia, Faça o favor de entrar
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Good morning, please come in
Estou atrasado. Peço desculpa
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I'm late. I apologize
Peço desculpa pelo meu atraso
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I apologize for my delay
Não faz mal
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It doesn't hurt
Não tem importância
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It doesn't matter
Entre, por favor
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Come in, please
Como foi o dia?
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How was the day?
Como correu o dia?
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How was the day?
Como foi o seu/teu dia?
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How was your day?
Foi bom
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Was good
Foi cansativo
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It was exhausting
Foi ótimo
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It was amazing
Foi tranquilo
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It was quiet
Foi calmo
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It was calm
Foi agitado
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It was hectic (gorączkowy, pospieszny)
Foi mais ou menos
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Was more or less
Correu bem
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Went well
Não correu muito bem
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It didn't run very well (Nie poszło zbyt dobrze)
E o teu, como foi?
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And yours, how was it?
Professora, qual é a página?
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Teacher, what is the page?
É a página 30
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It's page 30
Como é que se escreve...?
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How do you write...?
escreve-se com...
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it's written like...
Como é que se lê esta palavra?
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How do you read this word?
Esta palavra lê-se assim:
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This word reads like this:
Como se diz (esta palavra) em português?
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How do you say (this word) in Portuguese?
Em português diz-se...
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In Portuguese it is said...
Desculpe, posso sair?
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Sorry, can I leave?
Posso ir à casa de banho?
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May I go to the bathroom?
Dá-me licença que vá à casa de banho?
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Will you excuse me to go to the bathroom?
Sim, pode ir
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Yes you can go
Sim, faça favor
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Yes, please
Já terminou os exercicios?
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Have you finished the exercises?
Sim, já
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Yes already
Sim, já terminei
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Yes, I'm done
Não, ainda não
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No not yet
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wake up
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To sleep
Rotina diária
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Daily routine
Tomar banho/tomar duche
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Take a bath/shower
Tomar a pequeno almoco/café, leite
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Have breakfast/coffee, milk
pão e fimbre/queijó
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bread and fimbre/cheese
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leite com cerais
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milk with cereals
Vou para a trabalho/vou trabalhar
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I'm going to work/I'm going to work
ate 13:30 no trabalho
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until 1:30 pm at work
Pausa para almoço
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Lunch break
Volta para o trabalho
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Go back to work
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Pausa para café
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Coffee break
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Vou para casa
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I'm going home
Eu regresso a casa
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I return home
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Vez televisão / um filme / netflix
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Time TV / a movie / Netflix
Planear o dia seguinte
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Plan the next day
Ir dormir/ir para a cama/ir deitar
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Go to sleep/go to bed/go to bed
lavar a cara
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wash the face
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Eu almoço ao meio dia.
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I have lunch at noon.

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