6.2 zdania

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ona wchodzi
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she comes in
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ona żyje
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she lives
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ona gra
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she plays
on czyta
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He reads
ona zazwyczaj słucha
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she usually listens
Gdzie mieszka George?
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Where does George live?
W mieszkaniu w północnym Londynie.
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In an apartment in North London.
Gdzie on pracuje?
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Where does he work
W banku.
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In the bank.
Co on robi wieczorem?
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What does he do in the evening?
He watches TV.
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He watches TV.
O której godzinie wstaje Liesel?
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What time does Liesel get up?
O siódmej.
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At seven o'clock.
Jak dojeżdża do pracy?
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How does she get to work?
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By bus.
Co ona ma na obiad?
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What does she have for dinner?
Co robisz wieczorem?
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‘What do you do in the evening?’
'Oglądam telewizję'
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'I watch TV'
Przepraszam! Czy ma pan czas, proszę?
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Excuse me! Do you have time please?
O której godzinie wstajesz?
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What time do you get up?
'Wstaję o siódmej'
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'I get up at seven'
Co masz na śniadanie?
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What do you have for breakfast?
Mam chleb i ser"
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I have bread and cheese "
Jak dojeżdżasz do pracy?
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How do you get to work?
Czym się zajmujesz?
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What’s your job?
Jestem nauczycielką.
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I'm teacher.
Kiedy masz następne wakacje?
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When’s your next holiday?
Gdzie mieszkasz?
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Where do you live?
Mieszkam w Barcelonie.
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I live in Barcelona.
Dlaczego mieszkasz w Barcelonie?
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Why do you live in Barcelona?
Ponieważ uczę w centrum Barcelony.
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Because I teach in the center of Barcelona.
O której godzinie wstajesz?
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What time do you get up?
siódmej rano.
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seven in the morning.
Ile ma Pan/Pani braci i sióstr?
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How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Ile kosztuje kawa i kanapka?
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How much is a coffee and a sandwich?

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