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w lato
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In the summer
w mieście
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in a city / in a town
nad jeziorem
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at a lake
dobrze się bawiliśmy
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we had fun
na wydarzeniu
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at the event
na koncercie
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at a concert
mogę/musze/powinienem/może + bezokolicznik
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can/must/should/may + go/play/drive
na rozżarzonych węglach
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on burning coals
mogę też lewitować
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I can also levitate / I can levitate too
pieniądze na zakupy
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money for shopping
nie mogę zapłacić rachunków
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I can't pay my bills
pod prysznicem
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in the shower
w tym tygodniu bob nie gra w piłke bo jest chory
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Bob is not playing football this week because he is sick
lubię zwierzęta oprócz koni
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I like animals except for horses
krasnal zbiera teraz grzyby
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the dwarf is now collecting mushrooms
w niedziele
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on Sunday
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nakręć zegarek
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wind your watch

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