N1: 501-600

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distinctive シュ こと distinctive, particular
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loose カン ゆる.い ゆる.やか gentle, lenient ゆる.む to be/become loose ゆる.める to loosen
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stubborn ガン
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family crest モン
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sugar トウ
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boil シャ に.る to boil に.える to be boiled に.やす to boil (esp. emotions)
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fragrant ホウ かんば.しい
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miserable サン ザン みじ.め miserable, wretched
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delight カン
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tyrannize ギャク しいた.げる to tyrannize, oppress
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throat コウ のど
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content; purport シ むね
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congeal ギョウ こ.らす to concentrate (on), to strain こ.る to get stiff; be absorbed in
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range ケン
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wipe ショク ぬぐ.う to wipe, to get rid of ふ.く to wipe, to dry
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shore ガイ
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upright テイ
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tough ケン かた.い tough, hard, strict
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principle リン
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podium ダン タン
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give ゴ
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free time カ ひま
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appearance ボウ
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close up サイ ソク ふさ.ぐ to close up (a wound), block up ふさ.がる to be occupied (seat etc)
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erupt フン ふ.く to erupt, sprout
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old woman バ
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mountain peak ガク たけ
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kick シュウ け.る to kick
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key ケン かぎ key; lock
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tray ゼン
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shaku シャク
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punishment バツ バチ
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leak ロウ も.る も.れる to leak も.らす to let leak, to divulge
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scarlet シュ
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look at ラン
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drift about ヒョウ ただよ.う to drift about, float
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soup ジュウ しる soup, juice
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lonely ジャク セキ さび.しい さび elegant simplicity さび.れる to go downhill, to decline
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regrettable タン なげ.かわしい regrettable, deplorable なげ.く to regret, grieve, lament
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Zen ゼン
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clean ジョウ
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cruel コク
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blade ジン は
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random マン
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fog ム きり
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hot (weather) ショ あつ.い
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shelf たな
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sleeve シュウ そで
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manly ソウ
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season シュン ジュン
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sculpt チョウ ほ.る to sculpt, to carve
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need ジュ
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chain サ くさり a chain
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destroy カイ つぶ.す to destroy つぶ.れる to be destroyed
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vertical ジュウ たて vertical, length
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cosmetics ショウ
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disconcerted コウ あわ.ただしい disconcerted, hassled, busy, hurried, confused あわ.てる to be in a rush
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calm オン おだ.やか calm, tranquil
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framework わく
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riddle なぞ
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glory ヨ ほま.れ glory, honour
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idle イツ
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pony; pawn こま pony; pawn (in shogi, chess, etc.)
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regret セキ お.しい regrettable, precious, wasteful お.しむ to regret, value; to be frugal
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set aside ソ
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clear ショウ
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koto キン こと koto (Japanese harp)
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absorb セツ
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clap ハク ヒョウ
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think ケイ
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cornerstone ソ いしずえ cornerstone, foundation
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meet ソウ あ.う to meet (often with negative nuance); to encounter
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palm ショウ
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pot なべ
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bow キュウ ゆみ a bow
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overcome コク
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put into position す.える to put into position す.わる to sit
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gall bladder タン
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jump チョウ は.ねる to jump, to leap と.ぶ to vault
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bind バク しば.る to bind
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quieten チン しず.める to quieten, to tranquilize しず.まる to become quiet
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thunder ライ かみなり
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bear a grudge コン うら.む to bear a grudge うら.めしい resentful, regretful
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appear ケン
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increase ショク ふ.える to increase, to swell ふ.やす to augment, multiply
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preferable ネイ
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gush ユウ わ.く to gush, spring up, breed
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chess piece キ
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skill コウ たく.み skill, adroitness
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to soak シン ひた.す ひた.る to be soaked
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peach tree トウ もも
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to set apart カク へだ.てる to set apart, to separate, to isolate へだ.たる to be distant from
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squad ハン
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excessive ジン はなは.だしい excessive, severe はなは.だ immensely, greatly
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pregnant ニン
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welfare シ
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beast ジュウ けもの beast, animal
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rapidly シツ
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cram school ジュク
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lagoon かた -がた

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