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zabrac sie za cos
start learning
get round to
obejsc sie bez
start learning
do without
start learning
make up for
podziwiaj kogoś
start learning
look up to sb / admire sb
patrzeć na kogoś z gory
start learning
look down on sb
start learning
catch up with
start learning
get by
klocic sie
start learning
fall out with
start learning
pick on
przybrać na wadze
start learning
put on weight
start learning
put on
odrzucac kogos
start learning
put sb off
start learning
put up with
dobrze żyć z
start learning
get on well with
poradzic skbie z dzyns
start learning
get over with
ujsc na sucho
start learning
get away with
start learning
stand by
dawać sobie jakoś radę
start learning
muddle through
nie znosze (cant stand)
start learning
cant bare
zakaz prowadzenia pojazdów
start learning
ban from driving
zakaz używania telefonów komórkowych
start learning
ban on mobile phones

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